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Re: Corrupted download file on E2910al J9147A

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Corrupted download file on E2910al J9147A

Hi all;


I have seven E2910al J9147A's which I am wanting to update to W.14.70. All of them showed:


Image           Size(Bytes)   Date   Version
-----           ----------  -------- -------
Primary Image   : 8602885   06/30/10 W.14.49
Secondary Image : 8482560   11/05/09 W.14.38
Boot Rom Version: W.14.04
Default Boot    : Primary

.. which is good.


However four of the seven when I try to update the software I'm getting a corrupted download file message. I have tried:


1) TFTP of W_14_70.swi to primary or secondary;

2) TFTP of W_14_49.swi to primary or secondary (this is the version currently installed but I thought I'd try it);

3) copy tftp flash x.x.x.x flash from one of the three switches I updated ok;

4) copy flash flash secondary (which copies the flash from primary to secondary)


Every time I get 00000K Corrupted download file or similar. I was thinking there was an intermediate software version which I had to go to go get to W.14.70 but there isn't.


Three out of my seven switches upgraded ok though (using TFTP of W.14.70). They now show:


Image           Size(Bytes)   Date   Version
-----           ----------  -------- -------
Primary Image   : 8649497   12/13/11 W.14.70
Secondary Image : 8602885   06/30/10 W.14.49
Boot Rom Version: W.14.06
Default Boot    : Primary


So my .swi files are not corrupted or else I could not have upgraded the first three.


All are in the same rack and purchased at the same time. Powering the switch and on again does not fix the problem.


All switches are definately chassis: 2910al-48G  J9147A but I'm guessing there must be some difference between hardware but not sure where to look in show tech.


I find it hard to believe four switches have all gone wrong at the same time.


If anyone has any suggestions as to what to do I'd appreciate it.





Gerhard Roets
Esteemed Contributor

Re: Corrupted download file on E2910al J9147A

Hi Drew


I would open a case with HP support on this specific one. We might need to have a look at the health of those CF cards.




Frequent Advisor

Re: Corrupted download file on E2910al J9147A



Thanks for the suggestion. I was thinking it might look to be a hardware error common to a number of devices. I'll open a case as you suggest and report back on what they say.



Frequent Advisor

Re: Corrupted download file on E2910al J9147A

Hi all;


I found a solution for my problem. Not that it came from HP although it should have been obvious to their support. All they have done so far is give me a later software and suggest I try that, which came up with the came 'corrupted' error.


While trying to update the 2910 with the newer version of HP software the switch then suddenly would not boot at all giving this error:




ROM information:
   Build directory: /sw/rom/build/samrom(t4a_rom)
   Build date:      Dec  2 2008
   Build time:      10:02:15
   Build version:   W.14.04
   Build number:    21714

Error, /cfa0/boot.ini corrupted; please reboot to console and repair.
Could not open Image file

Bad code in FLASH




I noticed looking at the cf card this:




=>ll cfa0
drwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       1024 Jan 01 00:00 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3   0   0        512 Jan 01 00:01 ../
drwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       1024 Jan 01 00:00 cfg/
drwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       1024 Jan 01 00:00 autorun/
drwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       1024 Jan 01 00:00 ssh/
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0          4 Jan 01 00:00 rbtcnt
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0         52 Jan 01 00:00 iflags
drwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       1024 Jan 01 00:02 ssl/
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0         96 Jan 01 00:12 mgrinfo.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0    6703580 Jan 01 00:00 dumpM1.cor
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0    2711552 Jun 06 09:44 secondary.swi_$TmP$
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       6144 Jan 01 00:04 btm.swi_$TmP$
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0    8482560 Jan 14 10:56 secondary.swi
drwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       1024 Jul 04 09:41 .Trash-nebeker/
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0    8602885 Jan 14 11:18 BTM.SWI




Note the $TmP$ files and the dumpM1.cor file. I figured that there had previously been a core dump for some reason, and the $TmP$ files were half downloaded software which obviously would never pass their integrity check as there was not enough space on the cf card to store them.


I thought maybe if I delete these files then there will be enough space to boot properly and update the software. I was right. I'll show you the commands I typed but please do be careful if you are not sure what you are doing it could totally screw up your switch if you delete the wrong files!!


What I am typing is at the => prompt. For those of you who don't know the ll command just lists what files are on the card, and rm is unix for remove (same as delete in ms-dos).




Boot Profiles:

0. Monitor ROM Console
1. Primary Software Image
2. Secondary Software Image

Select profile (primary): 0


=>cd cfa0


drwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       1024 Jan 01 00:00 ./
drwxr-xr-x 3   0   0        512 Jan 01 00:01 ../
drwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       1024 Jan 01 00:00 cfg/
drwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       1024 Jan 01 00:00 autorun/
drwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       1024 Jan 01 00:00 ssh/
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0          4 Jan 01 00:00 rbtcnt
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0         52 Jan 01 00:00 iflags
drwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       1024 Jan 01 00:02 ssl/
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0         96 Jan 01 00:12 mgrinfo.txt
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0    6703580 Jan 01 00:00 dumpM1.cor
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0    2711552 Jun 06 09:44 secondary.swi_$TmP$
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       6144 Jan 01 00:04 btm.swi_$TmP$
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0    8482560 Jan 14 10:56 secondary.swi
drwxrwxrwx 1   0   0       1024 Jul 04 09:41 .Trash-nebeker/
-rwxrwxrwx 1   0   0    8602885 Jan 14 11:18 BTM.SWI

=>rm dumpM1.cor

=>rm secondary.swi_$TmP$

=>rm btm.swi_$TmP$

=> boot
Warm booting system . . .




So that's it; switches all were able to be upgraded and all is working properly.


I wonder though why HP supply switches with such obviously puny cf cards; I bet this is just a 24Mb one. Hardly satisfactory. Also their sw should clear up useless temporary files on boot I'd say.



(RMS WF120001)

Honored Contributor

Re: Corrupted download file on E2910al J9147A

Just as reference: it's worth mentioning that 2 years ago HP released this specific Customer Advisory.

I'm not an HPE Employee
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