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Onboard Administrator(OA) FW upgrade with Smart Update Firmware DVD v9.00 failed ...

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Onboard Administrator(OA) FW upgrade with Smart Update Firmware DVD v9.00 failed ...

Nadir had and issue updating the OA using the HPSUM DVD 9.00



New question: is it a problem to use the Smart Update Firmware DVD v9.00 for online service on a server with 2 subnets?



Michael responded with an answer:



  Yes, there could be a problem if you attempt to update the OA and have 2 subnets on the local workstation and the first subnet is not on the subnet where the OA is located.  The way the OA update works is the local workstation provides the location of the .bin file to the OA based on the first network connection in the workstation.  In the case where the connection to the OA is the second connection, the OA will not be able to pull the update from the workstation and will report a failure. 


 For now, the only option is to ensure the first connection/adapter is set to be on the same network as the OA.



Does this help? Have you run into this problem???