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Re: Changing array configuration

Ayman Altounji
Valued Contributor

Changing array configuration

I have a proliant 5500 with a Smart 3200 array controller with two disks in raid 1 configuration. I want to change the configuration so that I have two raid 0 arrays mirrored to each other. Is this possible and can I do it without distroying all my current data?

Thanks in advance

Ayman Altounji
Valued Contributor

Re: Changing array configuration

No, the 3200 does not support migration you will have to backup create your new arrays and restore
Ayman Altounji
Valued Contributor

Re: Changing array configuration

I thought so. Thanks for your help.
Ayman Altounji
Valued Contributor

Re: Changing array configuration

Thanks Orion_Quest you are correct ...