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EMS is not reporting when there is power failure to disk array

Occasional Contributor

EMS is not reporting when there is power failure to disk array


Anybody know why EMS is not reporting any alarm when there is power failure to "SureStore E" disk array. STM version I am using is A30.00. Let me know what may be the problem

Thanks in advance
Hartmut Lang
Trusted Contributor

Re: EMS is not reporting when there is power failure to disk array

Make sure your "ARMServer" and "arraymond" processes are running.

Honored Contributor

Re: EMS is not reporting when there is power failure to disk array

You could also check out the EMS configuration:

Run the command to start the configuration tool:

# /etc/opt/resmon/lbin/monconfig

From there you can go through and see what monitors are configured for what.

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