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ignite백업시 Error발생함돠..

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ignite백업시 Error발생함돠..

ignite백업시 서버에 다음과 같은 Error발생

ERROR: list_expander returned an error.

ERROR: Failed to get the archive size and the list of files which will be in archive.

또 다른 서버의 백업시에도 아래와 같은 Message가 나옵니다..

Program Terminated. SIGHUP received. Exiting.

10/07/04 12:00:34 JST make_tape_recovery completed unsuccessfully

꼭 답변 부탁드립니다..
3 응답 3

ignite백업시 Error발생함돠..

ITRC문서를 참고하세요..

Have a good day^^

ERROR: Circular link error encountered DocId: HPUXKBRC00009829 Updated: 5/24/04 6:16:00 AM


make_tape_recovery fails with the following errors...

ERROR: list_expander returned an error.

ERROR: Failed to get the archive size and the list of files which will be in


======= 05/30/02 12:42:05 PDT make_tape_recovery completed unsuccessfully


# /opt/ignite/lbin/list_expander 1>/dev/null 2>/tmp/error.msg

# more /tmp/error.msg

WARNING: '/usr/lib/nls/msg/zh_TW.big5/hpterm.cat' is part of a circular link.

ERROR: Circular link error encountered. Aborting.




Remove the circular links found in the list_expander output. Once this is

completed, make_tape_recovery should execute successfully.


ignite백업시 Error발생함돠..

itrc에 이런 내용도 있네요..참조하시기 바랍니다.

circular link error encountered aborted"


"ERROR: list_expander returned an error."

"ERROR: Failed to get the archive size and the list of files which will be

in archive."These are errors that can be generated by one of Ignite's internal programs called "list_expander", when the program has encountered a problem with circular links on the system. These circular link errors can be caused by patch installations, application software installation or by the incorrect use of the "ln" command. What happens is that a symbolic link is created that points back to itself; or is part of a chain of links that eventually points back to the original link. In short, it is a circular loop or circular reference. This is a problem because links are supposed to be pointing to a file.


The way to resolve this type of problem is to remove the circular links fromm the. Finding the circular link can be done in two ways. One is to run "list_expander" finding the offending links one at a time and removing them. The other method is to use the find command, which can be used to find more than one occurance of circular links. Both methods are detailed as follows:

Method 1; Using "list_expander"

# /opt/ignite/lbin/list_expander | gzip -9c - > /tmp/file_list.gz

WARNING: '/stand/cirlink' is part of a circular link.

ERROR: Circular link error encountered. Aborting.Uxzip and then inspect the output file "/tmp/file_list.gz" using the "vi editor". At the end of the file shoud be where "list_expander" stopped when it encountered the circular link.

# gunzip /tmp/file_list.gz

# vi file_list



stand/cirlink <== Circular reference

You will see that the last entry in the file corresponds to the ERROR posted by "list_expander". This file is a circular link. To check it, use the "ll" commmand.

# cd /stand

# ll

# lrwxrwxrwx 1 root sys 8 Oct 17 11:13 cirlink -> cirlinkTo remove the circular links, use the following syntax:

# rm file_name

Method 2; Using the "find" command.

Since using "list_expander" will not find all of the circular links on the system at one time, you can use the "find" command to find all of the circular links. Any circular links will be displayed on the screen as "find: cannot stat".


# find / -follow > /dev/null

# find: cannot stat ./stand/cirlink <-- Circular reference

# find: cannot stat ./etc/cirlink2 <-- Circular reference

To remove the circular links, just use:

# rm file_name

Once all of the circular links are removed, the Ignite commands should work correctly.


Ignite, circular, list_expander, make_recovery, make_tape_recovery


ignite백업시 Error발생함돠..

1. tar 로는 잘받아지는 확인해보시기 바랍니다.

2.데이타용량을 체크해보시기 바랍니다.

DDS3 인지 DDS4 인지 현재 vg00 의 데이량과 비교해보시기 바랍니다.

3. vgdisplay -v , strings /etc/lvmtab , vi /etc/mnttab 등을 체크해보시기 바랍니다.

4. ignite 버전을 새로운 버전으로 다시 설치해서 시도해보시기 바랍니다.