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Re: L2000 Error code

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Larry Manus
Occasional Contributor

L2000 Error code

We had a 1 our our HPUX L2000 shipped from one of our call center to our data center on COS. Once it arrived ---it freezes during the POST --- via the console, it displays the processor - memorry I/O - more memory infor then freezes at:
I/O config 8204
I've removed all the disks and Quad Nic's so far -- still same.
tks for any harware code info
Adisuria Wangsadinata_1
Honored Contributor

Re: L2000 Error code

Hi there,

You can see the document at this url below about 'User Guide - rp5400 Family of Servers' :


See chapter 6 - Troubleshooting.

Hope this information can help you.

Best Regards,
now working, next not working ... that's unix
Larry Manus
Occasional Contributor

Re: L2000 Error code

Adisuria -- thsk very much for the responce --- It's the first time we've seen this doc yet - tks again. I'm reviewing it right now.
As a side note:
- Via console access - after the freeze at "I/O ~~~ config ~~~~ 8204" -- I nevet get get the BCH "Boot Console Handler"
I can get in to the GSP ---
* Error log only indicated last time I disconnected the power
* Last boot doesn't seem to indicate but the last successfull boot (back on 5/13/2003)
Lights: Run Flashing Pwr ON (other off)

I'll keep digging through the doc to see if there is any help on this 8204 code
tks again
Scot Bean
Honored Contributor

Re: L2000 Error code

Appears that the 8204 code is a routine one that appears on every good boot. It indicates only that IO Config has started.

Important to know what version of firmware (PDC) is on the server.