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Re: Eva 3000 data loss

Lorentz, Hendrick
New Member

Eva 3000 data loss

Greetings, I have a EVA 3000 (VCS 3.028) with 2 DG ( Fata and FC). This unit loss all power while doing a leveling. After we restarted the EVA the FC diskgroup showed a 0 GB occupancy and the data can not be seen from any of the servers that had Vdisk presented to them prior to the power outage. The vdisk on the FATA DG are visible an operating.

The command view shows that 6 physical disks out of 15 ( all members of the same DG) have gone bad after the re powering.

So, first question.
Is it possible for an EVA to loose 6 disk all at once.

2nd question.
Can the data be recovered maybe using driversavers.com service. Any one has had experience with this kind of situation?

Any pointer will be greatly appreciatted.
Rob Leadbeater
Honored Contributor

Re: Eva 3000 data loss


I'd have thought it unlikely, but not impossible that 6 disks could fail at the same time. I've had 2 fail within 15 minutes of each other, which fortunately didn't cause too many problems...

For 6 to fail at once, you may be looking at some other fault - maybe a problem on the shelves. Or maybe when the power went there was a spike in the voltage which caused multiple things to fail.

The only way you'll tell will be to get HP to analyze your event logs.

I'd doubt that a third party service would be able to recover data from an EVA.

Log a fault call if you haven't already !


Ole Thomsen_1
Trusted Contributor

Re: Eva 3000 data loss

We lost a diskgroup on our EVA4000 during the cristmas holidays.

HP hasn't finished investigating, but it seems that metadata had gone bad on two disks, which prevented the controllers to boot up. We had to remove the disks and lost the corresponding diskgroup.

It gave us four days work of restoring clusters and mailsystems, quite scary!

Ole Thomsen
Frequent Advisor

Re: Eva 3000 data loss


Power off during levelling is a serious threat to the data in the disks. Are the 15 FC disks are in the same single DG. If so while levelling EVA will use all the disks in the disk group and that is the reason you couldn't see the data from those presented servers.
Have a support call logged to HP and they could be the one to help you.

Peter Mattei
Honored Contributor

Re: Eva 3000 data loss

You definitely need to involve HP!

The EVA has an error counter (suspect drive list) for each disks.
In very rare cases these counters can be flodded by events like power loss and cause the drives to enter failed state.
HP service representatives can reset thes counters which would bring up the DG again!
This is just one possibility!

I love storage
Lorentz, Hendrick
New Member

Re: Eva 3000 data loss

Thank you all for your kind reply, I currently escalating the issue to HP and will let U know what the outcome is. I still hope the data can be recovered.