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Re: HP EVA4000 and EVA8100 HP, Cache Fault Batery continuously

Frequent Advisor

HP EVA4000 and EVA8100 HP, Cache Fault Batery continuously

Hi all, I have two cabins HP EVA 6220 with the same firmware.

Both cabins have one of the Baterys cache fails, they've changed the batteries twice each but does not work for about 15 minutes, the battery is faulty again.

Did you know as you can solve? is any problem with this version of firmware?

thank you very much


P.S. This thread has been moved from  Storage>General to Storage Area Networks (SAN) (Enterprise). -HP Forum Moderator


Johan Guldmyr
Honored Contributor

Re: HP EVA4000 and EVA8100 HP, Cache Fault Batery continuously



yes there are fixes in the firmwares. From 6.240 XCS release notes: 

"On the EVA8000/8100, repeated cache battery failures due to a persistent load testing state were corrected"


Latest is 6.250.


Other possible problem that can cause repeated battery failures are corrosion inside the controllers. Check the battery connectors inside the controller for miscoloring.

Frequent Advisor

Re: HP EVA4000 and EVA8100 HP, Cache Fault Batery continuously

johan thanks for answering, you indicate that you are for me the EVA8100, but can also be applied to the EVA4000?

thank you very much

Johan Guldmyr
Honored Contributor

Re: HP EVA4000 and EVA8100 HP, Cache Fault Batery continuously

From release notes of 6.220: 

The following issues have been resolved in XCS 6.220:
тАв The battery test algorithm has been improved.


So is worth a shot also for the EVA4000. It could still be the controller itself causing the issue.