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Re: SAN switch 2/8 firmware upgrade - password fails

Tom Hartsook

SAN switch 2/8 firmware upgrade - password fails

I upgraded to v2.6.2 a year ago. Now I am trying to install 2.6.2c, but the default un/pw (admin/password) does not work. Did the default password change with 2.6.2?
The Spartan
Trusted Contributor

Re: SAN switch 2/8 firmware upgrade - password fails

Well, if its a brocade SAN switch default username and password are -

I may be wrong on this, please await for other posts.

If you are keen to win, you should be willing to lose.
John Kufrovich
Honored Contributor

Re: SAN switch 2/8 firmware upgrade - password fails

Tom you had it right.


I don't recall the last supported 2/8 FW.
Stephen Kebbell
Honored Contributor

Re: SAN switch 2/8 firmware upgrade - password fails

Hi Tom,

2 Gbit switches like the SAN Switch 2/8 don't run firmware 2.x.x, they use version 3.x.x
Do you mean a Brocade 2800 switch?

admin/password is the default login for all Brocade switches, and there's also the root account that The Spartan mentions. That should work, too

John, the latest firmware available for the 2/8 Switch from HP is 3.2.1b

Tom Hartsook

Re: SAN switch 2/8 firmware upgrade - password fails

Thanks for the ideas folks, but still no luck. FWIW- the switch is Fibre Channel SAN Switch 8.

Just to make it worse, I have two of these swithes in the EVA, and the password fails on both. Any ideas on how to reset the password?

Honored Contributor

Re: SAN switch 2/8 firmware upgrade - password fails


first of all you need v2.6.2d and not 2.6.2c - it is not supported anymore!

the default user name and password - you have it right.

what you need to reset the password on your "admin" account is a SAN switch password recovery/changer utility and Brocade has a few:

I list just one above - have a browse through Brocade Connect and pick a password changer utility that you fancy.
Tom Hartsook

Re: SAN switch 2/8 firmware upgrade - password fails

I tried PasswordRecovery3.0.zip from the Brocade site. It ran to completion, but failed to set password to "password".
Super Advisor

Re: SAN switch 2/8 firmware upgrade - password fails

so your talking probably about a brocade 2400...

The default root password is not password unless your changed it in the past when asked during the upgrade to 2.6.x.

try "fibranne"
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Tom Hartsook

Re: SAN switch 2/8 firmware upgrade - password fails

Are you saying the that the 2.6.2 upgrade asked the customer to modify the root password?
Super Advisor

Re: SAN switch 2/8 firmware upgrade - password fails

yes, you're asked to change the password. You can cancel it, but it can.
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