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Query: Synergy 12000 "Frame Swap"

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Synergy 12000 "Frame Swap"


Due to practical and organizational reasons a swap of frame will be performed. During this swap the customer have a new 12000 frame with new framlink modules but all other components like VC, Composers, Servers will be moved between frames. When all moved the old frame will be decommissioned. 

My plan was to connect the two frames in ring with LINK cables, then grow the Logical Enclosure and migrate/move profiles etc. and then move modules,servers etc. the goal of course is to not being forced to create new server profiles and other parameters.

Someone with previous experience of this operation or a official document for this kind of "Frame Swap Procedure" available?


Re: Synergy 12000 "Frame Swap"

While "grow" may accomplish the addition of the frame, the new frame cannot receive all the VC modules.  Also, there is no "shrink" or "remove" feature, so you will necessarily need to delete and reconstruct the LE and profiles in order to remove the original frame.   

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Re: Synergy 12000 "Frame Swap"

Thanks. So then the only way to go are to put the standby composer in the new frame, configure hardware and OneView as a new frame. Setup LE, LIGs, MACs and so on as in the old frame then create server profile templates and recreate server profiles with the same settings. 

Then shutdown everything in the old frame and move all modules, servers and assign profiles.

Is there a working script to extract server profiles from one OneView and import in a new one? This one looks old. Customer are on OneView 6.60 and SE 100 Interconnects.


Re: Synergy 12000 "Frame Swap"

Almost.. ..you won't be able to create the LE and profiles until after you have moved all the interconnect modules.

I am an HPE Employee
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System Recommended

Query: Synergy 12000 "Frame Swap"

System recommended content:

1. HPE Synergy 12000 Frame - Troubleshooting


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