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I can't start iMC before a server reboot.

Occasional Contributor

I can't start iMC before a server reboot.

Hi everyone,

I have a iMC 7.3 run on CentOS and with MySQL database.

Today, an employee has seen iMC has shown error in dashboard about "....Hibernate operation: could not execute query uncategorized SQLException for SQL...". Then this employee has run deploy/logfiles.sh and, after script done, he has rebooted CentOS. After he has done it,  iMC hasn't run correctly. When I've checked dma.sh I've seen 2 process with unknown error when try to start (imcfaultdm and imcnetresdm) and imcvnmdm has been starting eternally. 

I've checked imcfaultdm and imcnetrestdm on server/conf/log and I've seen theses errors below (I've checked MySQL status on CentOS and it runs with no errors):

2020-06-15 11:43:38.785 [ERROR (109)] [THREAD(4109268736)] CTrapProcessorTaskMgr::LoadTrapProcDll()->Open directory fail: /opt/iMC/server/bin/../../server/dll/trapdll/
2020-06-15 11:43:38.786 [ERROR (0)] [THREAD(4109268736)] [CTrapProcessorTaskMgr::GetConfParameter] imf::getConfigItemValue error, and ConfFilePath is: /opt/iMC/server/bin/../../server/conf/qvdm.conf
2020-06-15 11:43:38.789 [ERROR (-100)] [THREAD(4109268736)] [qvdm::getComponentAddress] Can't get DB information for iMC-SOC.
2020-06-15 11:43:38.797 [ERROR (4)] [THREAD(4109268736)] [iMCKeyGenerator::getFirstColName()] read data from base error!
2020-06-15 11:43:38.797 [ERROR (4)] [THREAD(4109268736)] [iMCKeyGenerator::init()] Failed to call getFirstColName()
2020-06-15 11:43:38.797 [ERROR (4)] [THREAD(4109268736)] [iMCKeyGenerator::instance()] Failed to create key generator, table_name = vw_trap_data_all, db_type = 1

2020-06-15 11:45:22.310 [ERROR (2003)] [THREAD(4108764928)] [CDevMgr::reSetDevRole] executeSQL() error.
2020-06-15 11:45:22.310 [ERROR (0)] [THREAD(4108764928)] [QvResourceApp::init] CDevMgr::reSetDevRole error.
2020-06-15 11:45:22.312 [ERROR (2003)] [THREAD(4108764928)] [CDevMgr::reSetTblDevUpServerField] executeSQL() error.
2020-06-15 11:45:22.312 [ERROR (0)] [THREAD(4108764928)] [QvResourceApp::init] CDevMgr::reSetTblDevUpServerField error.


After log analyses, I understand has some communication error between iMC and MySQL, but in dma.sh I can see database space usage and running evironment system information. Then I have no clues to fix it.


Re: I can't start iMC before a server reboot.


Could you please specify the exact iMC version (eg. 7.3 E0705P04) and MySQL version you are running? Was anything done on iMC (such as upgrade, migration, modifying filesystem) prior to the issue happening?

I'm not aware of any such issues based on the errors you've posted, and you may need to open a support case to have the logs and database connectivity investigated in more detail.

Do you have a dbman backup from before the issue occurred that you could restore the iMC server with?

Best regards,

Working @ HPE
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