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MSM760 Unknown Admin Password

Occasional Collector

MSM760 Unknown Admin Password

I am working as computer engineer at a Private Hospital in Turkey.  We have about 40 pieces of MSM 310 AP and 1 piece of MSM760 Controller. 


I dont know anything about these devices so I can not manage MSM760. I want to check it's configuration text. I can not access details of device. When I want to access device by RS32 cable on console port; it needs admin password. 

I read on internet, device has an option for reset password BY EMERGENY user. I can not use it. I think when our device first configuration;  previous IT man didnt choose options of enable to reset password by console.  

How can I access console of MSM760 without lost configuration?


Help me please


personal info erased



Re: MSM760 Unknown Admin Password


Can you try with defaulut login/password:


or follow steps as mentioned in below link:


If config was saved earlier then you will not loose it.



Note: While I am an HPE Employee, all of my comments (whether noted or not), are my own and are not any official representation of the companyAccept or Kudo
Occasional Collector

Re: MSM760 Unknown Admin Password

I tried admin/admin before asking here.

As I said I tried this link which you shared with me

Re: MSM760 Unknown Admin Password


I missed that you have already tried reset password BY EMERGENY user.

Then you need to reset by factory default.

When it is impossible to use the management tool due to the loss of the manager username or password,then you need use the Console port to reset the controller to its factory defaults. Process is as follows:

1.  Power off the controller.
2.  Connect the provided serial cable between the controller Console port and a PC
3.  Configure the VT-100 terminal-emulation software (Microsoft Hyperterminal for Windows, or Minicom for Linux) as follows:

• terminal
• Baud rate of 9600
• 8 data bits
• 1 stop bit
• parity: No
• Flow control: No 4. Open an appropriately-configured terminal session.
5. Power on the controller.A system boot message appears.
6. Do not press any keyboard keys. Wait for the LILO prompt to appear. It looks like this:
LILO 22.1 boot:

IMPORTANT:As soon as the LILO prompt appears, press the keyboard space bar to prevent the automatic (non-factory-default) boot from continuing. You must tap the space bar or otherkey within four seconds of the prompt appearing.
7. At the LILO prompt, enter the command
linux factory
and press Enter. The controller restarts with factory defaults settings.Resetting to factory defaults.

or refer pg. 16 from below link:



Note: While I am an HPE Employee, all of my comments (whether noted or not), are my own and are not any official representation of the companyAccept or Kudo

Re: MSM760 Unknown Admin Password


Has my post helped you to answer your query?


Note: While I am an HPE Employee, all of my comments (whether noted or not), are my own and are not any official representation of the companyAccept or Kudo