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Re: Sharing a logical drive between 2 servers

New Member

Sharing a logical drive between 2 servers

I have a 2TB logical drive on an MSA-30. It is currently attached to an ML-370. If possible, I would like to attach this logical drvie to another, identical server. What is the easiest (read cheapest) way of doing this? Is it possible to use some kind of Y shaped cable or will I need a controller to achieve this?
Uwe Zessin
Honored Contributor

Re: Sharing a logical drive between 2 servers

Watch out! Most operating systems / file systems do NOT support shared access to a single file system. Simple spoken: it is necessary that all servers that access a single file system 'talk to each other' and notify others about changes.

If people play with this, e.g. on Windows, they find out that _some_ things seem to work, but then problems show up like: a file creation does not show up on the other server. In the long term they will find out that their file system became corrupted.

The usual way is:
- put the disks in a SAN (FC or iSCSI)
-- but this gives only block access

- choose an operating system/ file system combination that provides concurrent access to the file system.
Ivan Ferreira
Honored Contributor

Re: Sharing a logical drive between 2 servers

What are your operating systems? You can't present the same lun for shared access unless you use a shared file system, like Red Hat GFS, Veritas Storage Foundation, Oracle OCFS 2.

You can use the lun on one server at a time. That is write the data on one server, unpresent the lun to this server, present to the other, and read or write data to the lun.
Por que hacerlo dificil si es posible hacerlo facil? - Why do it the hard way, when you can do it the easy way?
New Member

Re: Sharing a logical drive between 2 servers

It is just a Windows 2003 box. Is there any kind of small business device that I can put between the servers and the enclosure to allow both servers to read/write the logical drive?
