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Ditch legacy VPNs and embrace the future: Demystifying ZTNA

GettyImages-1261570914_1600_0_72_RGB.jpgCast your mind back to the bygone era of clunky dial-up modems and brick-sized mobile phones. Remember the feeling of relief when broadband arrived, offering instant, seamless connectivity? Well, Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) is designed to deliver a similar revolution for how we secure our networks in the cloud-dominated present. But what exactly is ZTNA, and why should you ditch your legacy VPN for this new shiny technology?

A security mindset shift

Imagine a security model that operates on the principle of "never trust, always verify." That's the core philosophy behind ZTNA. Unlike legacy VPNs, which essentially throw open the gates to your entire network for anyone with the right credentials, ZTNA acts as a vigilant gatekeeper. It examines each user and device, granting access only to specific applications and data—and only on a need-to-know basis. Think of it as having a personal security detail for each of your digital assets, ensuring only authorized individuals can get close.

Beyond security

While enhanced security is undoubtedly a compelling reason to consider ZTNA, its advantages extend far beyond:

  • Granular access control: Gone are the days of all-or-nothing access. With ZTNA, you can define precisely who can access what, down to the individual application level. Imagine empowering remote employees to collaborate on sales documents without granting them visibility into sensitive financial data. This laser-focused approach minimizes the attack surface and reduces the potential for data breaches.
  • Enhanced user experience: Forget the frustration of complex VPN configurations and sluggish connections. ZTNA offers a frictionless user experience, providing seamless and direct access to applications from any device, anywhere in the world. This translates to happier, more productive employees and a significant boost to overall business agility.
  • Cloud-ready architecture: In today's cloud-centric world, a security solution that can't seamlessly integrate with cloud applications and services is a recipe for disaster. ZTNA is built for the modern era, offering native integration with leading cloud providers, future proofing your security strategy, and ensuring a smooth transition to the cloud.
  • Reduced costs and complexity: Managing and maintaining traditional VPN infrastructure can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor. ZTNA eliminates the need for complex on-premises hardware and software, reducing IT overhead and freeing up resources for more strategic initiatives.

Choosing the right ZTNA platform

With the growing popularity of ZTNA, navigating the vendor landscape can be overwhelming. So, what makes a good ZTNA platform? Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Security: The core of any ZTNA solution should be robust security features, including multi-factor authentication, encryption, and granular access controls. Look for a platform that adheres to industry best practices and has a proven track record of security effectiveness.
  • Performance: A sluggish ZTNA solution can defeat the purpose of a seamless user experience. Prioritize platforms that offer high performance, low latency, and the ability to scale to meet your organization's growing demands.
  • Ease of use: Managing a complex ZTNA platform can be a burden. Opt for solutions that offer intuitive interfaces, user-friendly administration tools, and comprehensive documentation to ensure a smooth deployment and ongoing management.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Your security needs will evolve. Choose a ZTNA platform that can scale to accommodate your growing user base, changing application landscape and future security requirements. Look for solutions that offer flexible deployment options, such as cloud-based or hybrid models, to adapt to your specific needs.

Unified security for the cloud era

While ZTNA offers a powerful security solution on its own, its true potential is unlocked when integrated into a broader Secure Service Edge (SSE) platform. SSE combines multiple cloud-based security functionalities into a single, unified offering, enabling organizations to streamline security operations and maximize protection. Think of it as a security orchestra, where each instrument (ZTNA, CASB, SWG, etc.) plays its part in harmoniously delivering a complete security symphony.

Here's why choosing a ZTNA solution that seamlessly integrates with an SSE platform is crucial:

  • Simplified management: Managing multiple standalone security solutions can be complex and time-consuming. An SSE platform consolidates management and reporting, offering a single pane of glass for all your cloud security needs. This translates to reduced IT workloads, faster troubleshooting, and improved operational efficiency.
  • Enhanced security synergy: Different security tools within an SSE platform work together, sharing threat intelligence and context in real time. This unified approach strengthens overall security posture, enabling proactive threat detection and prevention across all attack vectors. Imagine ZTNA identifying suspicious user activity, triggering CASB to inspect cloud application usage, and SWG to block malicious content—all happening seamlessly within the SSE platform.
  • Improved user experience: By eliminating the need to juggle multiple logins and security tools, an SSE platform streamlines the user experience. This translates to increased employee productivity and satisfaction, especially for a remote workforce relying on cloud applications.
  • Future-proofed security: The cloud landscape is constantly evolving, and new threats emerge regularly. An SSE platform built with scalability and flexibility in mind can adapt to your evolving security needs and integrate seamlessly with future cloud services.

Choosing the right ZTNA and SSE provider

When searching for a ZTNA solution, prioritize vendors that offer it as part of a comprehensive SSE platform. Look for providers with:

  • A strong track record of innovation: Choose a provider continuously evolving its platform to address emerging threats and adapt to the changing cloud landscape.
  • Openness and interoperability: Ensure the platform integrates seamlessly with your existing security tools and cloud services to avoid vendor lock-in.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Opt for a platform that can scale to accommodate your growing business and adapt to your evolving security needs.

Orchestrating a secure cloud journey

In conclusion, ZTNA represents a fundamental shift in how we secure our networks in the cloud era. By choosing a ZTNA solution that seamlessly integrates into a comprehensive SSE platform, you can enjoy the benefits of granular access control, enhanced user experience, and robust security—all while simplifying management and future proofing your security posture.

Ditching your legacy VPN is not just about adopting a new technology; it's about embracing a unified security approach that empowers you to confidently navigate the evolving cloud landscape. Consider how HPE Aruba Networking ZTNA can help you create a secure and agile future, conducted by the harmonious security symphony of an SSE platform.

Learn more about HPE Aruba Networking ZTNA or take SSE for a test drive!

About the Author


Jaye Tillson is a Field CTO at HPE Aruba Networking (formerly Axis Security), boasting over 25 years of invaluable expertise in successfully implementing strategic global technology programs. With a strong focus on digital transformation, Jaye has been instrumental in guiding numerous organizations through their zero-trust journey, enabling them to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Jaye's passion lies in collaborating with enterprises, assisting them in their strategic pursuit of zero trust. He takes pride in leveraging his real-world experience to address critical issues and challenges faced by these businesses. Beyond his professional pursuits, Jaye co-founded the SSE Forum and co-hosts its popular podcast called 'The Edge.' This platform allows him to engage with a broader audience, fostering meaningful discussions on industry trends and innovations. In his leisure time, Jaye indulges in his passions for motor racing, savoring delectable cuisine, and exploring the wonders of the world through his travels.