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Re: Discover 2018 Las Vegas: Download the Event App Today!

The HPE Discover 2018 event app allows users to browse hundreds of sessions, demos, speakers, and sponsors. App users can also personalize their schedule, network with event attendees, keep up with news and information, access even maps, and experience self-guided tours.

If you are attending Discover this week and haven't downloaded the app, here's a quick intro video to watch -

Follow event news

Don't miss what's happening this week at HPE Discover 2018 Las Vegas. Bookmark www.hpe.com/discover for quick access to event updates.

We hope to see you this week in Las Vegas!

Audrey Cox
WW OEM Communications & Brand Awareness
Hewlett Packard Enterprise

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Dear Team,

Appreciate your efforts and please help us guide the sessions and documents as well for learning the technology.

Thank you 

