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HPE OEM Program Helps Okinawa Cross Head Expand Reach For Hybrid Cloud Solution


Organizations, today, are always on the lookout for a partner that enables them to expand their businesses worldwide and assure customer trust. When Okinawa Cross Head (OCH) chose to pursue new revenue opportunities by expanding its business reach worldwide, they chose to collaborate with HPE OEM, selecting the HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 with long lifecycle service and extended warranty. This partnership has enabled OCH to provide their solution to small and medium businesses (SMBs) with local, appliance-based file services, integrated with cloud backup, all monitored and operated by OCH and supported globally by HPE OEM.

Partnering with the HPE OEM program, Okinawa Cross Head (OCH) gets the HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 as the foundation for an innovative hybrid cloud solution, providing small and medium businesses with local, appliance-based file services, integrated with cloud backup, all monitored and operated by OCH and supported globally by HPE OEM. In recent years, the company has experienced increasing demand for cloud-based data storage and backup for mission-critical data. However, many small and mid-size businesses (SMBs) lack the IT resources and expertise to adopt cloud services and choose to keep their data on-premises.

Recognizing the risk this places on valuable business data, OCH developed a hybrid cloud solution specifically for the SMB marketтАФnas2cloud, an appliance built on the HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10. To bring the nas2cloud solution to market quickly and ensure global support, OCH partnered with the HPE OEM program.

Keiko Ueda, acting general manager of Sales Department at OCH, says, тАЬBased on our experience, HPE servers offer the highest quality. Many SMB customers have limited office space and the compactness of the HPE ProLiant MicroServer is ideal for them. Japanese SMB customers who have expanded their businesses to Southeast Asian countries do not have enough IT resources in their overseas branches and need an out-of-the-box solution like nas2cloud. The HPE OEM program helps us deliver and support our solution for these customers in Asia and worldwide.тАЭ

Through the HPE OEM program, OCH benefits from the global delivery and support network from HPE to continue expanding its business. тАЬThe HPE OEM program enables us to offer our nas2cloud solution to overseas customers with confidence that our customers will have the support they need,тАЭ notes Ueda. тАЬWe believe partnering with HPE OEM is key to gaining stronger trust in our solutions as we pursue new business opportunities.тАЭ

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Nabanita Maji
Hewlett Packard Enterprise


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