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Re: 10.20 compatibility on 11.11

Paul Cross_1
Respected Contributor

10.20 compatibility on 11.11

I have a user trying to migrate an application (that relies heavily on the gethostbyname() syscall) from an 11.11 host to another 11.11 host. The binaries were built on a 10.20 host. These binaries work on the old 11.11 machine but not on the new one. I have installed "PHCO_32719 cumulative 10.20 libc compatibility support" but they still do not seem to work.

Unfortunately I don't have access to the old machine, or this would likely be easier.

Any ideas?
James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: 10.20 compatibility on 11.11

Hi Paul:

> I have installed "PHCO_32719 cumulative 10.20 libc compatibility support" but they still do not seem to work.

OK, but did you reboot after the installation of the patch? The patch's special instructions note, "If libc patches are installed without rebooting, applications currently running which are linked shared against libc will still continue using the former version of libc. If this presents a problem to any applications, you should reboot."


Paul Cross_1
Respected Contributor

Re: 10.20 compatibility on 11.11

Yes, the machine was rebooted per the instructions. Still the gethostbyname syscall is returning incorrect output. the same code compiled on the new machine returns correctly.

Interestingly, the 10.20 compatibility patch applied to a lab machine worked perfectly.

Patrick Wallek
Honored Contributor

Re: 10.20 compatibility on 11.11

>>Still the gethostbyname syscall is returning incorrect output.

Can you share examples? What is it returning? What should it be returning?

Have you checked configuration files like /etc/resolv.conf and /etc/nsswitch.conf to make sure it is looking for the information in the right place?
Paul Cross_1
Respected Contributor

Re: 10.20 compatibility on 11.11

I have checked the resolv.conf and nsswitch.conf. They are normal.

> What is it returning?

The binary compiled on 10.20 returns:
#./ghbntest hostname
./ghbntest: host not found: hostname

> What should it be returning?

The gethostbyname test that I compiled natively returns:

#./a.out hostname
hostname.domain.com ->

Both were compiled from the same code.

Paul Cross_1
Respected Contributor

Re: 10.20 compatibility on 11.11

The gethostbyname test returns this on the 11.11 lab machine with the binary compiled under 10.20:

#./ghbntest hostname
hostname.domain.com ->
