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A question about startup on L1k

Super Advisor

Re: A question about startup on L1k

How can I analyse the crash information in /var/adm/crash!
That's very complicate to understand
Can you help me?
Honored Contributor

Re: A question about startup on L1k

Looks like in your case the full crash dump is not saved. (because, looks like you have not configured /etc/rc.config.d/savecrash and /etc/rc.config.d/crashconf and have not checked with crashconf -v)

Let's try to save crash to some other location. (Make sure that you have enough space there. At least 2xRAM)

savecrash -rv /some_dir_with_enough_free_space
There is no substitute to HARDWORK
Super Advisor

Re: A question about startup on L1k

I've got the complete crash dump in /var/adm/crash directory and the total size of /var/adm/crash is 2GB while my physical memory size is 512MB.
And now I want to know is how to process these information and when I can remove all these huge files
Honored Contributor

Re: A question about startup on L1k

cd /dir_where_crash_is_saved.

adb -m /var/adm/crash/crash.0/vmunix

Once on adb prompt, do msgbuf+8/s

This should give you some information.
There is no substitute to HARDWORK
Super Advisor

Re: A question about startup on L1k

I pressed "adb -m /var/adm/crash/crash.0/vmunix
it output the following errors:
PA-64 adb ($h help $q quit)
crash dump: No such file or directory
Error on open of corfil = core.
But the "/var/adm/crash/crash.0/vmunix" file actually exits
Do you know why?