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Re: acsess to run the script

Frequent Advisor

acsess to run the script


I have one script which is owned by prod55 user. prod55 is a environment user. now I want to excute that script by any user but not giving the su to prod55 access to users. How can I achive this.

Honored Contributor

Re: acsess to run the script


# chmod a+rx

man chmod

Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: acsess to run the script

ls -l one_script

man chmod


chmod a+rx one_script
Frequent Advisor

Re: acsess to run the script


#chmod 777 file-name.

This will give all permission to everyone. So any user can execute this .
Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: acsess to run the script

> This will give all permission to everyone.
> So any user can execute this .

So everyone can damage it, too? Was this
part of the original request? (I must have
missed it.)
Horia Chirculescu
Honored Contributor

Re: acsess to run the script


>I have one script which is owned by prod55 >user. prod55 is a environment user. now I >want to excute that script by any user

One observation about this:

The script have to be placed somewhere where "any" user can access it. Do not choose /tmp for this task. Also, only placing the script on prod55's home directory is not a solution.

Would be best if the root would place the script (as it is intended to be accessible by everyone) in some system wide path like /usr/local/bin. This implies some extra work from prod55 user (as in to deploy the script/application as a package - meaning that must take care of the functions/libraries etc...)

Best regards,
Best regards from Romania,
Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: acsess to run the script

> [...] Also, only placing the script on
> prod55's home directory is not a solution.

Because? Define "a solution".

I might not do it that way, but I don't see
why it wouldn't work.