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Re: Cannot delete files on samba share (anymore)

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Stefan Schulz
Honored Contributor

Cannot delete files on samba share (anymore)

Hi all,

we have an old fileserver running HP-UX 10.20 whicht shares some of its directories to the windows world via samba 2.0.7.

Since the last security updates to the windows boxes those users cant delete files on the windows share anymore.

The errormessage is something like "the filesystem doesn't support extendet attributes". At least thats how i would translate it from the original german message "Das bereitgestellte Dateisystem unterst├╝tzt keine erweiterten Attribute".

The error number is 0x011A.

I found some hints that this problem is linked to the installation to one or all of the following hotfixes from Microsoft:


Unfortunately i am not responsible for the windows boxes and i cant remove those hotfixes. So i am looking for a solution on teh samba side.

As the HP-UX fileserver is running 10.20 i cant install samba 3.x which seems not to have this problem.

Is there any samba option i can configure? I hat a look at, but couldnt find something suitable.

Does anybody know of this problem? Is there any resource in the net discribing this problem and possible solutions on the samba side?


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Peter Godron
Honored Contributor

Re: Cannot delete files on samba share (anymore)

the way I see it youe have four options:
1. Try to find a solution for these unsupported platform
2. Get the windows guys to remove the patches, as they are causing the problem
3. Try and compile the samba code for later version of samba
4. Upgrade OS to 11 and install samba 3.x

I would go for option 2 and justify it by assessing risk vs need (i.e. How high is the risk when running without patches, compared to need of users to access the data)

Hope option 1 comes true !
Darren Prior
Honored Contributor

Re: Cannot delete files on samba share (anymore)

Hi Stefan,

It's been a while since I've heard such an old version of Samba being mentioned! I'd suggest you investigate the changelog of the later Samba 2.x releases to see if it's fixed there. I think Samba 2.2.8 was one of the last 2.x releases.


Calm down. It's only ones and zeros...
Stefan Schulz
Honored Contributor

Re: Cannot delete files on samba share (anymore)

Hi Peter,
Hi Darren,

i know this is an old OS and an old samba version. But this worked fine for several years. Also this fileserver will be deactivated during the next 6 to 12 months.

I am not in the mood of installing 11i on this box ;-)

To be serious, i dont have the time to upgrade the server to 11i and samba 3.x.

I tried to find some binaries of a newer then 2.0.7 version of samba, but couln't finde some. Does anybody know a source for HP-UX 10.20 binaries of samba?

The HP-UX porting center doesn't provide them anymore :-(

I don't know if this version will solve my problem, as i can't find any hints to it in the changelogs. And as i have nearly no experience in compiling software on HP-UX creating the software from the source is nothing i can do in minutes.


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Stefan Schulz
Honored Contributor

Re: Cannot delete files on samba share (anymore)

Oh i forgot to mention:

the guys supporting the Windows "operating system" are so fixed on windows, that any problem with samba is of course comming from samba.

No way any problem could result from windows or any (of course needed) hotfix. I don't need to ask them to remove this hotfix, i allready know the answer.


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Darren Prior
Honored Contributor

Re: Cannot delete files on samba share (anymore)


There was a great quote in a Linux magazine a few years back where one of the Samba team said something like, "Samba is bug for bug compatible with Windows." Unfortunately your admins have moved the bug list along, and you can either catch up or accept that your old version won't be able to delete any more. ;-(

Thinking laterally, can you workaround the deletion problem? I'm guessing that the Windows users won't be able to telnet in and delete stuff themselves...


Calm down. It's only ones and zeros...
Stefan Schulz
Honored Contributor

Re: Cannot delete files on samba share (anymore)

Hi Darren,

i was afraid someone would come up with an "solution" like this. But at the moment this seems to only available "solution" to me.

Thanks for your support. I will keep this thread open for some more days and also will wait a few more days befor i assign points.


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