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Re: CDE problem

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James Mueller
Occasional Advisor

CDE problem

I just bought a 715/100, 64mb 2gig, cd machine to learn on, with v11 software.

the problem is, i cant log on using the cde - the machine thinks a while, and goes back to the cde logon. so i logon via a prompt, no problem.

I have modified .profile and .dtprofile with

export DISPLAY

this doesn't seem to work - sam boots is terminal mode. if i enter the above two lines at a prompt, and then run sam, i get:

the DISPLAY environment variable is set to "socrates:0.0", but the current configuration won't allow sam to run on that display.

... by typing /usr/bin/X11/xhost +Socrates

(obviously the machine is named socrates)

when i type the xhost +Socrates, i get unable to open display "socrates:0.0"

i am new to unix, and am trying to learn it, but i am having a hard time finding enough entry level stuff to configure the machine with.

any help is much appreciated. the machine does see my local network - i can ping my firewall and other computers, so the network part seems ok.

Alex Glennie
Honored Contributor

Re: CDE problem

OK ... there could be a number of reasons for this :

It sounds as if the Xserver is starting fine, otherwise you wouldn't see the CDE login screen ! So ...

Check the following : /var/dt/Xerrors (Xservers Log file)
$HOME/.dt/startlog & errorlogs, consider adding set -x into your .dtprofile, you'll get more info in startlog !

I'd also remove the DISPLAY setting in the .profile & .dtprofile to avoid confusion, i don't think it's a good idea to set them anyway, as if networking & hostname resolution are OK, the system should work it out for itself.

Run the CDE diagnostic tool : dr_dt & make sure you're patched for latest CDE/Motif and Xserver Patches.

Depending on the errors you find will determine the root cause, if none are found I'd suggest networking/hostname resolution is the most likely candidate, if you make the system standalone ie : edit /etc/nsswitch.conf to use files only and make sure the entries in /etc/hosts include the hostname & loopback entries and tie up with those in
/etc/rc.config.d/netconf what happens, nb I'd init 2 then init 3, no need for a reboot.

Also we can run CDE in debug but more of that later.....

Neil Moore
New Member

Re: CDE problem

Take a look at your /etc/nsswitch.conf
change/add to look like this..
hosts: files [NOTFOUND=continue] dns

then make sure your machine name is in /etc/hosts

A machine not being in dns and no /etc/nsswitch.conf will give that situation.

Hope that helps
James Mueller
Occasional Advisor

Re: CDE problem

thanks for all the info - it is going to take a while to digest and follow up on. I will get back and let you know once i get thru the steps you have provided. thanks again
Dr John Sim
Occasional Advisor

Re: CDE problem

I too am experimenting with HP Unix machines (B132L with 128MB RAM, 2GB disc and DAT).

Exactly the same problem. Solved by configuring the LAN interface and the hosts file. Also, Network Service Switch should look at /etc/hosts first rather than DNS.

Use SAM in the command line only log in. Go to networking configuration and you'll see the points I've stated.

All the best,
