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Copying/transferring files and logical volumes HPUX 10.20

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Copying/transferring files and logical volumes HPUX 10.20


Migrating from an old C240 workstation to a not quite as old C3600 workstation.  I'm still using HPUX 10.20 and I would like to move some files and lvol's from the CHIC to the CACHE.  I have an external WISE hard drive to use as the medium of transfer.  As of now there is no online network that these workstations will be connected to.  Any ideas would greatly be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Steven Schweda
Honored Contributor

Re: Copying/transferring files and logical volumes HPUX 10.20

Established Member

Re: Copying/transferring files and logical volumes HPUX 10.20

Let me clarify. I want to copy files from the C240 to the C3600 using an external SCSI wide single ended hard drive. There is no network hub to use.

Ken Grabowski
Respected Contributor

Re: Copying/transferring files and logical volumes HPUX 10.20

Well.... I tend to agree with Steve that a crossover network cable or borrowing a hub would be a much faster and simpler way of doing this. But if you insist, you could try to use the external SCSI drive to make a disk based file system on the old system. I believe this would work on 10.20 to create a 32MB file system:


"mkfs -F hfs /dev/dsk/YOURDISKPATH 32768"


After copying your files to the drive, I would shutdown the system, move the drive to the shutdown C3600 power it up. Do your normal ioscan -fnC disk to discover the new disk and then insf -C disk to build the special devices. Run fsck on the new drive and then try mounting it. 


If that doesn't work, I would go borrow a network hub and a couple of cables.



Established Member

Re: Copying/transferring files and logical volumes HPUX 10.20

thanks for the info