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Re: Create LVM or filesystem


Create LVM or filesystem


When we create the LVM or filesystem(s),
Can sam or hpux command define the part of a disk ? for example I want
LVM lvol1 to be at the outside edge of disk,
LVM lvol2 to be in the inner cylinders.

Please share if you know this,

Thank You

Fred Ruffet
Honored Contributor

Re: Create LVM or filesystem

What for ? Do you really thing you will have better perfs ?



"Reality is just a point of view." (P. K. D.)
Bharat Katkar
Honored Contributor

Re: Create LVM or filesystem

HI Michael,
That is not possible.
If you are looking out for performance then think of stripping instead. Lun SIze also matter (do not make larger LUNs for better performance). LUN distribution on different controllers will also help.

You need to know a lot to actually know how little you know
Rashid Hamid
Regular Advisor

Re: Create LVM or filesystem


in AIX, there is an option where you can position the logical volume in outside edge, outside middle, center, inside middle and inside edge.
But i'm not sure in HPUX. I think there must be a way to do it...


I'm Parit Madirono/Parit Betak Boyz
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: Create LVM or filesystem

You have to make yourself a chart.

Start with an empty disk

use pvdisplay to make sure its empty.

lvcreate the volume groups, including a dummy one.

lvextend -l /dev/vg01/lvol1 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0

that one gets the first cylinders.

lvextend -l /dev/vg01/lvol2 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0

lvol2 is the dummy intended to occupy the middle of the disk.

lvextend -l /dev/vg01/lvol3 /dev/dsk/c1t1d0

lvol3 is the one intended for the last part of the disk.

I don't know whether lvm starts at the inner edge or outer edge of the disk. You'll have to consult documentation for this.

Or another helpful post.

Last, I don't think this is going to have any noticable impact on performance. Especially after you are short of disk space and have to reallocate that dummy area for real use.

But with a spreadsheet, notepad and planning you can accomplish your quest.

Good Luck,

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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