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Re: DSS4 (C5683A) not compatible with rp4440 ??

Occasional Advisor

DSS4 (C5683A) not compatible with rp4440 ??

I have rp4440 and tape device DDS4 (c5683a), and when I try to do a backup (scbackup command)after finish the IRT tape, the system ask for fbackup tape wich is normal, but after another 10 min ask again for another tape and after 10 min another and so on...
Also in configuration rp3440 and the same tape device DDS4 (c5683) this procedure works normaly(after command scbackup, the system ask for ignite tape or IRT and after about 10 min ask for fbackup tape or data tape and continue about 1h after finish successfuly).
The OS is: B.11.11
I have to instal a driver or something in order to be able to make backup?
Any help?
Ganesan R
Honored Contributor

Re: DSS4 (C5683A) not compatible with rp4440 ??

Hi Dublonn,

I never heard about scbackup command. I think it is a backup tool to take ignite and filesystem backup(fbackup)in a single shot which is available only on customized HP-UX version given by HP to specific customers. Am i right?

For me, it looks like either drive issue or media issue. Most probable cause would be drive. Have you tried changing the drive
Best wishes,

Occasional Advisor

Re: DSS4 (C5683A) not compatible with rp4440 ??

Yes you're wrigth about OS is a special customized for alcatel.
I've tried with difrent tapes but the result was the same.
I didn't try with anothre tape device because I didn't have it.
Is posible to have a conclusion before procure another tape device? I mean is posible to be a driver? And if is it, from where can I procure it?
Ganesan R
Honored Contributor

Re: DSS4 (C5683A) not compatible with rp4440 ??

Hi Again,

Refer this thread. Someone faced the same issue and it was finally due to faulty tape drive.

Best wishes,

Occasional Advisor

Re: DSS4 (C5683A) not compatible with rp4440 ??


What I now for sure is that the tapedrive is not faulty because I made a backup and a restore for 3440 with the same tapedrive, this backup I made it after this issue appared on 4440.
In other place I think that the probleme is.
Don't you think?
Andrew Rutter
Honored Contributor

Re: DSS4 (C5683A) not compatible with rp4440 ??


it sounds more like dirty tapes or drive to me.

does asimple fbackup or tar backup work on the device for start?

how is the tape drive seen in ioscan? correct dev files?

it sounds like you are moving the tape around and disconnecting it and reconnecting it. if so check your cables and terminators too for a bent pin in the connector. you can end up with different dev files 0m/1m/2m everytime you remove it and reconnect it? are you using the correct dev files?

does the drive led flash amber when it asks for another tape?

you could also test the tape in stm and do a read/write test there.


Occasional Advisor

Re: DSS4 (C5683A) not compatible with rp4440 ??

I didn't try fbackup or tar backup.
I checked the pins evrey pin is in the good condition, evreytime when I tried to make backup I restarted the server previosly, evreytime the dev was 0mn before intoduce tape ignite and 0m before introduce fbackup, the same like in situation of 3440(where everything works fine till end), yes the light was blinking when the tape was inside drive, I tried with difrent new tapes...the same result.
To be 5 tapes faulty for the first use is unlikly.
Occasional Advisor

Re: DSS4 (C5683A) not compatible with rp4440 ??

I attached some info and log.
Any ideea what happening?