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Re: Dual Port Gig Ether Adapter Unknown/Unclaimed

Andrew Marssdorf_2
Occasional Contributor

Dual Port Gig Ether Adapter Unknown/Unclaimed

We recently imaged an 8400 with ignite (11i), and while the box installed fine, the 2 Dual Port Gig Ether cards are listed as Unkown Unclaimed. The card's part number is A7012-60001.

ioscan -fnC lan
Class I H/W Path Driver S/W State H/W Type Description
lan 0 0/0/0/1/0 gelan CLAIMED INTERFACE HP A6096-69001 PCI 1000Base-T Built-in I/O
lan 1 0/0/1/0/0 iether UNCLAIMED UNKNOWN PCI-X Ethernet (80861079)
lan 2 0/0/1/0/1 iether UNCLAIMED UNKNOWN PCI-X Ethernet (80861079)
lan 3 0/0/2/0/0 iether UNCLAIMED UNKNOWN PCI-X Ethernet (80861079)
lan 4 0/0/2/0/1 iether UNCLAIMED UNKNOWN PCI-X Ethernet (80861079)
lan 5 0/0/4/0/0 gelan CLAIMED INTERFACE HP A4926A PCI 1000Base-SX Adapter
lan 6 0/0/12/0/0 btlan CLAIMED INTERFACE HP A5230A/B5509BA PCI 10/100Base-TX Addon
/dev/diag/lan6 /dev/ether6 /dev/lan6
lan 7 0/0/14/0/0 btlan CLAIMED INTERFACE HP A5230A/B5509BA PCI 10/100Base-TX Addon
/dev/diag/lan7 /dev/ether7 /dev/lan7

You can see all the drivers in SAM:
iether In In Driver Static N/A
igelan In In Driver Static N/A
gelan In In Driver Static N/A
(Admittedly, some were added out of desperation)

Am I missing something basic? Any help is appreciated!


Denver Osborn
Honored Contributor

Re: Dual Port Gig Ether Adapter Unknown/Unclaimed

I was thinking it's because the IEther-00 product wasn't installed... but the driver's there in ther kernel... hmmm. anyhow, I guess the kernel could still be there w/out the software installed.

does swlist show IEther-00? If not, install it from the application cd and that should fix it. Then if I were you, I'd make a new IUX image to include the IEther-00 product for those boxes w/ that nic.

swlist -l fileset -s state IEther-00

hope this helps,

Denver Osborn
Honored Contributor

Re: Dual Port Gig Ether Adapter Unknown/Unclaimed

doh! in to much of a hury to proof-read before I click ok..

anyhow... a correction

swlist -l fileset -a state IEther-00

I'm suspecting that the product isn't installed (or configured)

Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: Dual Port Gig Ether Adapter Unknown/Unclaimed

You're not issing anything except that the system where you created the Ignite image did not have this card. The Ignite porcess is an image of the source system. New hardware (and the A7012A is fairly new) requires a different driver. Here is the information: http://docs.hp.com/en/5971-4261/ch01s01.html#d0e166

You need your Application CD set. Mount any one of the CDs, then vi the CD_TABLE_OF_CONTENTS file and locate the driver: IEther-00

Then scroll up to see which CD needs to mounted. Run swinstall and select the 1000Base-SX/T IEther-00 driver. Once installed (will require a reboot as it is a driver), run ioscan as in:

ioscan -fnClan

When ioscan is run without -k, every driver is probed and you should now see the cards with the device files. Now you can run SAM to configure the cards with IP addresses, etc.

Bill Hassell, sysadmin
Ermin Borovac
Honored Contributor

Re: Dual Port Gig Ether Adapter Unknown/Unclaimed

I see that you have iether driver installed, but it may not be correct revision (i.e. that supports your card).

Check what revision you have with

# what /stand/vmunix | grep iether

You can install the latest revision (I think B.11.11.07) from the 1st application CD (Dec 2004, IEther-00 bundle).
Andrew Marssdorf_2
Occasional Contributor

Re: Dual Port Gig Ether Adapter Unknown/Unclaimed

Thank you all for the quick replies. I attempted the install from CD already. See the requested info below:

# what /stand/vmunix | grep iether
iether_ilan Version: 1 Oct 10 2002
iether Revision: B.11.11.01 Oct 10 2002

root@dbsu721 [/]
# swlist -l fileset -a state IEther-00
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "dbsu721"...
# Target: dbsu721:/

# IEther-00
# IEther-00.IETHER-DRV
IEther-00.IETHER-DRV.IETHER-KRN installed
IEther-00.IETHER-DRV.IETHER-RUN installed
Ermin Borovac
Honored Contributor

Re: Dual Port Gig Ether Adapter Unknown/Unclaimed

That revision (B.11.11.01) is way too old. You'll need to install B.11.11.07 from the latest applications CD (Dec 2004).
Denver Osborn
Honored Contributor

Re: Dual Port Gig Ether Adapter Unknown/Unclaimed

I agree and would install the latest rev of the software for the A7012A adapter. The installation notes for the nic at http://docs.hp.com/en/5971-4261/index.html even show that it should be loaded from the Dec 2003 app cd if 11i ver 1.0, or Mar 2004 cd if 11i ver 2.0.

hope this helps,
Andrew Marssdorf_2
Occasional Contributor

Re: Dual Port Gig Ether Adapter Unknown/Unclaimed

Thanks all- I will need to dig up the CDs on Monday. I'll add points then.
Andrew Marssdorf_2
Occasional Contributor

Re: Dual Port Gig Ether Adapter Unknown/Unclaimed

Thanks guys- just need a more recent version of the iether driver. Uninstalled the old one and used the one off the 2004 CDs and I have all my cards.