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extend filesystem

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extend filesystem

i need to extend a filesystem. it is in cluster mc serviceguard. any changes in the procedure?
James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: extend filesystem

Hi Julio:

For an existing logical volume and filesystem you can enlarge both without the need to do anything else.


Valued Contributor

Re: extend filesystem

What is the filesystem type? If vxfs, just do lvextend and fsadm. No change in the procedure.
Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions

Re: extend filesystem

As stated above you can go ahead with the lvextend on the node where currently vg is activated.

If your file system is not online JFS or vxfs then you need to remount the filesystem.
Valued Contributor

Re: extend filesystem

You can ensure the online jfs availability using the following command

swlist -l product |grep -i -e online -e "base vxfs"
Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions

Re: extend filesystem

thanks all. i'm done successfully.