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Re: file system out of inodes

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file system out of inodes

Hello, this is my error on syslog.

OLDsyslog.log:Sep 30 14:14:32 ategS241 vmunix: msgcnt 1 vxfs: mesg 011: vx_noinode - /archives/ategs241 file system out of inodes

The result of BDF -i
Filesystem kbytes used avail %used iused ifree %iuse Mounted on
/dev/vg03/lvol1 71671808 29886367 39303617 43% 7865449 10446359 43% /archives/ategs241

It's strange becouse the bdf -i showme that i have free inodes, exist some kernel parameter to tunning this or why my system report that error.

Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: file system out of inodes

Could this be because you're looking at OLDsyslog.log, dated Sept 30th and comparing it to current usage?



Re: file system out of inodes

Yes, this is my oldlog becouse i delete some files to release space, the bdf -i showme the almost the same information % of inodes usage.
Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: file system out of inodes

So, when did you run the bdf? Today? If so, you're comparing the condition today, which shows only 43% of the inodes in use, with the conditions on Sept 30th, when there were no inodes available.

Or are you asking how to make more inodes available so you won't have this problem in the future?



Re: file system out of inodes

Thanks Pete, don't have the bdf -i of Sep30 but
i remember very well that the result of bdf -i are almost the same % of inodes free.

And i want to know how to make more inodes available, thanks Pete.

Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: file system out of inodes

To increase the number of inodes available, you need to increase the kernel parameter ninode, build a new kernel and reboot off the new kernel - best done through SAM.



Re: file system out of inodes

ninode defines the maximum number of open inodes that can be in memory.

Sorry for this question.
What is the relation with ninode(kernel parameter) and maxinodes on a filesystem with vxfs.
Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: file system out of inodes

The ninode parameter controls the number of inodes available to HFS file systems. For VxFS file systems, the inodes are created dynamically and you shouldn't run out.

What does "fstyp /dev/vg03/lvol1" return?



Re: file system out of inodes

# fstyp -v /dev/vg03/lvol1
Cannot open /dev/vg03/lvol1: Invalid argument
Cannot open /dev/vg03/lvol1: Invalid argument

version: 4294967295
f_bsize: 8192
f_frsize: 1024
f_blocks: 71671808
f_bfree: 41785441
f_bavail: 39173851
f_files: 18830872
f_ffree: 10446360
f_favail: 10446360
f_fsid: 1073938433
f_basetype: vxfs
f_namemax: 254
f_magic: a501fcf5
f_featurebits: 0
f_flag: 0
f_fsindex: 7
f_size: 71671808
Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: file system out of inodes

I believe that is telling us that it is a VxFS file system. Try running fstyp again without the "-v" option. And try running it against the raw device /dev/vg03/rlvol1, too.

