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Re: HP rx8640 server with HP-UX 11.23 crashed unexpectedly

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HP rx8640 server with hpux 11.23 rebooted automatically


    I have two hp rx8640 boxes ,with hpux 11.23 . these have two npars & 2vpars. These servers rebooted automatically once or twice in a week . everytime they generate crash dumps . but crash are so large in size , so can not share . someone suggest me install PHNE_41436 patch it will resolve the issue . But I have two dependecies of IP filter & PHNE_37258 patch.I have installed IP filter latest patch . But can not resolve the dependencies of PHNE_37258 patch . so finally unable to install PHNE_41436 patch . My server's MP firmware version is 4.080 & the latest firmare version is 4.2 . I have checked all the poer source are ok & working fine

Please suggest me what should I do

Basant Sharma
Patrick Wallek
Honored Contributor

Re: HP rx8640 server with hpux 11.23 rebooted automatically

Check and see if you have 'crashinfo' on your system in /usr/contrib/bin.


If you do have, cd into the directory that has the crash INDEX file.  For example, /var/adm/crash/crash.0


Then run:


/usr/contrib/bin/crashinfo -v -C -H > server-crash.html


Then you can copy the HTML file to your PC and look at it with a browser.



As far as the patches go, The dependencies for PHNE_37258 are:
PHCO_41860   PHKL_31500   PHKL_36577   PHKL_40918   PHNE_40955   PHNE_41436  


PHNE_41436 is one of the dependencies for PHNE_37258, so if you install all patches you should be covered.


However, PHNE_37258 has been updated.  The latest version is PHNE_42014.  The dependencies for it are: PHCO_41860   PHKL_31500   PHKL_36577   PHKL_40918   PHNE_40955   PHNE_41436  



Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: HP rx8640 server with HP-UX 11.23 crashed unexpectedly

>But can not resolve the dependencies of PHNE_37258 patch.


When you put a patch in your shopping cart, you should also get the dependent patches.

Prakash Pitroda

Re: HP rx8640 server with HP-UX 11.23 crashed unexpectedly

Yes,  when we are downloding patch it will automatically download the dependant patches also.