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Re: Ignite Questions

donna hofmeister
Trusted Contributor

Ignite Questions


  • My Ignite server is an rx2600 running 11.31 and the version of Ignite is C.7.23.100.
  • I have several HPUX servers (both PA-RISC and Itanium) that regularly do a make_net_recovery to this server.

It seems that Ignite is designed to allow for a server with a MAC address of 0x01 (just go with me here) to reach out to an Ignite server, after having done a "boot lan" from the console, and the server recognizes the MAC address and the (re-)install occurs.

In my case, I would like to install HPUX onto a server with a MAC address of 0x02 but using the Ignite backup from 0x01. Is that possible? It seems like what I'm wanting to do is use the "clone" instructions in the Ignite documentation (which involves changing links under /var/opt/ignite/clients and copying files) but that's not the results I'm getting.

When I do a "boot lan" from my 0x02 system (and having already changed the links and copied files appropriately on my Ignite server), I get one choice (to install 11.31 PA (and I'm not terribly sure why it's just one choice because there are several clauses in /var/opt/ignite/data/INDEX)). My expectation is to at least get told that it wants to install 11.23 (that's the OS level of the 0x01 server).

To clarify, the 0x02 system is an RP3440 the 0x01 system is an rx2600.

It really shouldn't be this difficult <sigh>


Patrick Wallek
Honored Contributor

Re: Ignite Questions

First thing -- Restoring an Ignite backup from an Itanium based system to a PA-RISC based system is not going to work.  The 2 architectures are diffeent and neither can run the OS from the other, so you're just spinning your wheels.


Second -- Here's a blog discussing how to use an Ignite backup from one server to restore to a different server.




donna hofmeister
Trusted Contributor

Re: Ignite Questions

Did you intend to add a link to the blog?

Patrick Wallek
Honored Contributor

Re: Ignite Questions

Link added in the original reply.