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Re: inetd died without any logs !!

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Regular Advisor

inetd died without any logs !!

Hello all ,

In one of the system inetd died without any logs , Is there any place I can look for more information or to track this.

Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: inetd died without any logs !!

Inetd logs to /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log.


Regular Advisor

Re: inetd died without any logs !!

I am not able to find anything in syslog related to inetd.
Honored Contributor

Re: inetd died without any logs !!

What OS version is this? Check if there are any inetd related patches. inetd is the most stable daemon I have seen, it should not die like that. If there is nothing in the log that means inetd went down hard with a "kill -9". A normal kill would log something in the syslog.log. Also check if you find a core file that may be the result of the killed inetd.
Mel Burslan
Honored Contributor

Re: inetd died without any logs !!

find / -name core

and check the found core files to see if any of them is created by inetd getting flushed down the toilet. If so, I think you can contact HP to have them analyze the core dump.

But if some process or some person took the daemon down with a kill -9, you are pretty much out of luck as this will not leave any traces behind.
UNIX because I majored in cryptology...
Regular Advisor

Re: inetd died without any logs !!

Thanks for all reply and suggestion on this issue.