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Re: Is the bundle OnlineDiag(B. available for download?

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Occasional Advisor

Is the bundle OnlineDiag(B. available for download?

Hi all,
I have to download the bundle OnlineDiag(B., HPUX 11.11 Support Tools Bundle, Sep 2005 from


but there is not available for download.
Please tell me where can I download it.

Thank you
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Is the bundle OnlineDiag(B. available for download?

Hi Mikel,

here is the current version:


Hope this helps!

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James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Is the bundle OnlineDiag(B. available for download?

Hi Mikel:

Use the latest STM bundle:


I would also urge you to utilize the latest patch bundles if you are refreshing those, too:



Enrico P.
Honored Contributor

Re: Is the bundle OnlineDiag(B. available for download?



Enrico P.
Honored Contributor

Re: Is the bundle OnlineDiag(B. available for download?

there isn' t it in the link I posted.

Occasional Advisor

Re: Is the bundle OnlineDiag(B. available for download?

Hi all,
I do now want to have the latest release.
I would like to obtain December 2005 release or September 2005 release, witch is not available for download at ITRC (there is an explanation that Bundle names without links are not patch bundles, but are other tools and products. They are not available for download from the IT Resource Center


Please help me to find this release.

Andrew Merritt_2
Honored Contributor

Re: Is the bundle OnlineDiag(B. available for download?

Hi Mikel,
The link that Torsten gave will take you to where you can download the latest version; click on the 'Receive for Free' button at the bottom of that page.

Actually, maybe I'm misunderstanding what you said; you say " I do now want to have the latest release." Is that what you mean, or did you mean to type "I do NOT want to have..."?

If you don't want the latest version, can you say why? The latest version has all the bug fixes that were released in previous patches. There was no December 2005 version for 11.11, see http://www.docs.hp.com/en/diag/stm/stm_upd.htm#table for the releases that have been made.

If you get the HWE releases on CD, then you should have the HWE0509 disks which contain the OnlineDiags.

Occasional Advisor

Re: Is the bundle OnlineDiag(B. available for download?

Hi Andrew,
Thank you for reply.
The reason that I do not want the latest release is that the customer has requested to me this.
I see that there is not any release in December 2005. I want the september release
(OnlineDiag(B. HPUX 11.11 Support Tools Bundle, Sep 2005).
I searched software depot home and all the google, but I cannot find it for download.
Is it still available for download?

Thank you
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Is the bundle OnlineDiag(B. available for download?

I see your reason, but IMHO it is not necessary to distrust the new release.

Anyway, if you really want to use the old release, follow the link I sent you.

In the windows with the download link, don't click the link, but copy and paste it to the URL line. Now the workaround: replace "17.02" by "16.09". This is the version you want to have.

But I would use the current version.

Consider to assign some points, they are always welcome here in the forums.

Have fun!

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

No support by private messages. Please ask the forum!

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Occasional Advisor

Re: Is the bundle OnlineDiag(B. available for download?

Hello Torsten,

I did not understand:

I click on:


but in this page there is not any URL to copy and make the changes you suggested.

I tried to replace B6191AAE with B4708AA, witch is the product number for september release,

but it cannot find it.

Please help me

Thank you