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Re: Is there really a number of mount points allowed on HP-UX?

Mei Jiao
Respected Contributor

Is there really a number of mount points allowed on HP-UX?

Is there really a number of mount points allowed on HP-UX?

For eg:
vxfs mount: /dev/vg03/lvol3 is already mounted, /mountpoint3 is busy, or allowable number of mount points exceeded

If yes, how to check what's the number of mount points allowed on HP-UX?
Michael Tully
Honored Contributor

Re: Is there really a number of mount points allowed on HP-UX?

There are usualy two problems associated with error. First is that you could have a duplicate minor number in the /dev/vg03 or the logical volume is already mounted. Do an 'ls -l' on /dev/vg03 to verify.
Anyone for a Mutiny ?
Joseph Loo
Honored Contributor

Re: Is there really a number of mount points allowed on HP-UX?


like what Michael say, it may have something to do with the minor number. read what HP Technical KB says:


what you do not see does not mean you should not believe
Mei Jiao
Respected Contributor

Re: Is there really a number of mount points allowed on HP-UX?

Thank you for the document. But the query here is: is there a number of mountpoints allowed on HP-UX which we may have exceeded?

If yes, how to check the number? Thanks.
Michael Tully
Honored Contributor

Re: Is there really a number of mount points allowed on HP-UX?

I have never seen a limitation on this, however that does not mean that there is one. Mind you I have worked on many unix systems where there have been more than 300 filesystems.
Anyone for a Mutiny ?
Mei Jiao
Respected Contributor

Re: Is there really a number of mount points allowed on HP-UX?

Thank you for your feedback on that you have worked on unix system more than 300 filesystems.

I really wonder if there's really a number of mountpoints allowed on HP-UX since the error message produce such possibility? If yes, how could we check on this number?
Joseph Loo
Honored Contributor

Re: Is there really a number of mount points allowed on HP-UX?


if there is one, i would like to know as well.

however, if 1 VG allows only maximum of 255 LVs, i guess the maximum mount points for each VG would be 255 then.

what you do not see does not mean you should not believe
Rajesh D L
Frequent Advisor

Re: Is there really a number of mount points allowed on HP-UX?


There is a work around for this. Remove the directory, re-create it and mount the filesystem.

#rmdir /mountpoint3
You can even try rm -rf /mountpoint3
#mkdir /mountpoint3
#mount -F vxfs /dev/vg03/lvol3 /mountpoint3

Regular Advisor

Re: Is there really a number of mount points allowed on HP-UX?

Good Share
