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Re: John Meissner's Crown!

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Todd McDaniel_1
Honored Contributor

Re: John Meissner's Crown!

Gratz John. OOORRRAAAHHH!!!!

Could someone explain the post of Procura? I really dont understand that listing.
Unix, the other white meat.
Helen French
Honored Contributor

Re: John Meissner's Crown!

Congratulations and well done!

Life is a promise, fulfill it!
Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: John Meissner's Crown!

Hey SEP!

I took a few days off over Thanksgiving and caught up with some stuff at home. Didn't answer a single ITRC question for an entire week (and still made 21 points somehow). That's the first time I haven't made the fast mover's list since I don't know when.

Hey Jeff!

Email me, will you?


Bruno Ganino
Honored Contributor

Re: John Meissner's Crown!

John, before you to me and now i to you !
But this Congratulations has a Value more important because ROYALTY.
Congrats to You.
Torino (Turin) +2H
Jim Mallett
Honored Contributor

Re: John Meissner's Crown!


A very deserved congratulations! Best wishes on the road to your next hat.

And a quick hello to all. You miss a day or two then it becomes a month....then two. I'm hoping the New Year brings a little more free time, or else I'll have to make it.
Hope everybody is doing well!

Hindsight is 20/20
John Meissner
Esteemed Contributor

Re: John Meissner's Crown!

thanks everyone. I've really enjoyed my stay so far in the forums. I've met some great people and i've helped a little and been helped a lot (it feels like that at least).

I'd like to thank John Poff, Princess Paula (been a Pharo for a while but the name is catchy), Pete Randall, SEP, Merijn, and all the others that have been an inspiration to me here and helped me countless number of times. I'd also like to thank the academy... my fans.... my parents... and oh wait... sorry... wrong speech.

This forums is such a great resource to all of us and everyone that asks or answers makes this a great place. I've had many questions answered by some real pros here. When i get some of the responses back i just sit back in my chair and say "d@mn.... their good!"

I'll keep up the work... sorry i've been a bit slow lately... but things have been busy lately.

thanks eveyone for the kind words :)

All paths lead to destiny
Robert-Jan Goossens
Honored Contributor

Re: John Meissner's Crown!

Congratulations John,

How could I miss your promotion (:-)

A very well deserved new hat.

Best wishes,
Kurt Beyers.
Honored Contributor

Re: John Meissner's Crown!

Congratulations John,

Enjoy your stay in the royal court. Relax first a bit before you start your journey to the dunes.

Paula J Frazer-Campbell
Honored Contributor

Re: John Meissner's Crown!

Very well done John, very much deserved.

Princess Paula of Bromley.

If you can spell SysAdmin then you is one - anon
Tim Sanko
Trusted Contributor

Re: John Meissner's Crown!


Congratulations Princeps John.
Semper Fi.

Tim Sanko