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Re: list active samba users/shares?

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Doug O'Leary
Honored Contributor

list active samba users/shares?


I have a 11.11 system running the cifs server, set up by someone else as I know next to nothing about cifs/samba. Based on what I'm seeing in the smb.conf file, I'm assuming this server isn't being used and I'd like to shut it down.

Is there a way to identify if any shares are being actively used? Or if users are logging in?

Any info would be greatly appreciated.


Doug O'Leary

Senior UNIX Admin
O'Leary Computers Inc
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/dkoleary
Resume: http://www.olearycomputers.com/resume.html
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: list active samba users/shares?


Few ways to do this.


smbclient followed by a login to the samba server will list shares.

smbclient -L jumbo -Uusername -I ip-address

On HP-UX you may need to use cifsclient. No HP boxes in my house to check.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: list active samba users/shares?

I'm really sorry for splitting the post.

I've been doing that a lot lately and its probably because I'm having a hard time concentrating.


This link is really good and includes some monitor commands.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
Sponsor: http://hpux.ws
Twitter: http://twitter.com/hpuxlinux
Founder http://newdatacloud.com
Doug O'Leary
Honored Contributor

Re: list active samba users/shares?


Thanks for the reply. I have the smbclient command to list the available shares; I'm looking to find a way to identify *active* shares.

The reason I suspect this service isn't being used is that, every where else it's used, there are a variety of share names. On this particular box, I have the generic stanzas in the smb.conf file:

# sed -n -e '/^\[/,/^$/p' smb.conf

comment = Home Directories
browseable = no

comment = Temporary file space
path = /tmp
read only = no

I'd like a command to validate that no one is actually using these shares. There is always the 'turn it off and see who screams' approach, but my client is somewhat gun shy.

Thanks again.

Doug O'Leary

Senior UNIX Admin
O'Leary Computers Inc
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/dkoleary
Resume: http://www.olearycomputers.com/resume.html
Honored Contributor

Re: list active samba users/shares?

No need for client software...


Lists defined shares, what systems are connected to which shares, and any locked files people are using.
Jeff Traigle
Doug O'Leary
Honored Contributor

Re: list active samba users/shares?

Outstanding, sir! Thank you very much. Exactly what I was looking for.

Doug O'Leary

Senior UNIX Admin
O'Leary Computers Inc
linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/dkoleary
Resume: http://www.olearycomputers.com/resume.html