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Re: make_tape_recovery question

Esteemed Contributor

make_tape_recovery question


I have vg00 (with normal system lvols) and vg01 with "/opt". If I do:

# make_tape_recovery -v -x include_entire=vg00

will ignite include vg01 and "/opt" as this is a necessary lvol for the system? Will it be fully functional after recovery? Or I must do

# make_tape_recovery -v -x include_entire=vg00 -x include_entire=vg01 ?

"When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you"
Pete Randall
Outstanding Contributor

Re: make_tape_recovery question

To be certain, I would use both -x include_entire=vg00 and -x include=/opt.

From the man page:

-x include=file|dir
Includes the file or directory in the recovery archive but does not cross any mount points.


Valued Contributor

Re: make_tape_recovery question


The make_tape_recovery is done with with the sole purpose of recovering your server...It is NOT a backup solution

make_tape_recovery -x include_entire=vg00 -I -v -a /dev/rmt/?mn
where ? - is the device no

As the command goes, only vg00 is taken for recovery.

From what I understand /opt is important but needn't be included in the recovery tape..
I suppose that can be done from a normal backup solution

And I dont know if x include_entire=vg01 works....
Best you need a second opinion from the exper t forum-ers!

"Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% Perspiration" - Edison
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: make_tape_recovery question


Ignite can back up anything, even a database. But to get a clean copy, you would need that database shut down. That fact makes Ignite an impractical tool for backing up entire systems.

To state that Ignite is only for vg00 is not true. Ignite can image an entire system. Its called Golden Images, and I used this to deploy systems in bulk.

The most common strategy is to use Ignite for backing up vg00, the boot volume group and using other tools to take care of vg01.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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Valued Contributor

Re: make_tape_recovery question

Some clarification from my end :-

>>>As the command goes, only vg00 is taken for recovery.
<<<vg00 only, as per R.O question...sorry abt that

The option that comes before -v is
Capital I - I as in Interactive

"Genius is 1% inspiration, 99% Perspiration" - Edison