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mount: /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/disk@hp-1008+294=A60020000001: Not owner

Regular Advisor

mount: /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/disk@hp-1008+294=A60020000001: Not owner



my dvdrom Device driver not seen after restarting the server

also ioscan command not detected the cdrom device driver.



this is a ioscan output:----

#ioscan -funC disk
Class     I  H/W Path  Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
disk      8  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG0300BALVP
                      /dev/dsk/c0t1d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0
disk      1  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG0300BALVP
                      /dev/dsk/c0t2d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0
disk      0  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG0300BALVP
                      /dev/dsk/c0t3d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0
disk      5  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG146BB976
                      /dev/dsk/c0t5d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0
disk      6  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG146BB976
                      /dev/dsk/c0t6d0     /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s3   /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s2
                      /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s1   /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0    /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s3
                      /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2   /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s1
disk     16  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG146BABCF
                      /dev/dsk/c0t7d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t7d0
and there is not seen divice driver
i am also unable the mount the cdrom.

appsdev2.mpmkvvcl.com#mount -F cdfs -o ro,rr,noauto /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/>
mount: /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/disk@hp-1008+294=A60020000001: Not owner


how can mount cdrom or resolve the issue.






Acclaimed Contributor

Re: mount: /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/disk@hp-1008+294=A60020000001: Not owner

You should update to the USB2.0 driver anyway ...

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

No support by private messages. Please ask the forum!

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Regular Advisor

Re: mount: /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/disk@hp-1008+294=A60020000001: Not owner



After successful installed USB divice driver

after reboot there is no seen usb divice driver. 


                                      appsdev2.mpmkvvcl.com#cd deviceFileSystem
keyboardMux  mouseMux
How to resolve the problem.
Ioscan output:-----
appsdev2.mpmkvvcl.com#ioscan -funC disk
Class     I  H/W Path  Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
disk      8  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG0300BALVP
                      /dev/dsk/c0t1d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0
disk      1  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG0300BALVP
                      /dev/dsk/c0t2d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0
disk      0  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG0300BALVP
                      /dev/dsk/c0t3d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0
disk      5  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG146BB976
                      /dev/dsk/c0t5d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0
disk      6  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG146BB976
                      /dev/dsk/c0t6d0     /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s3   /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s2
                      /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s1   /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0    /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s3
                      /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2   /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s1
disk     16  0/4/1/  sdisk   CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG146BABCF
                      /dev/dsk/c0t7d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t7d0
Regular Advisor

Re: mount: /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/disk@hp-1008+294=A60020000001: Not owner



some errors on my syslog file.


Please see the attached file




Honored Contributor

Re: mount: /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/disk@hp-1008+294=A60020000001: Not owner

Do you have any other devices plugged into any USB ports?


These are the errors that are concerning:


Mar 15 16:06:48 appsdev2 vmunix: ERROR usb_enum_dev: Could not get max packet length. Status 0x1
Mar 15 16:06:48 appsdev2 vmunix: ERROR usb_probe: Device enumeration failed.
Mar 15 16:06:48 appsdev2 vmunix: 0/0/2/0.1 usbcomposite
Mar 15 16:06:48 appsdev2 vmunix: 0/0/2/0.1.0 hid
Mar 15 16:06:48 appsdev2 vmunix: 0/0/2/0.1.1 hid
Mar 15 16:06:48 appsdev2 vmunix: Unexpected event on device 1 port 2
Mar 15 16:06:48 appsdev2 vmunix:   Device is present
Mar 15 16:06:48 appsdev2 vmunix:   Port is not enabled
Mar 15 16:06:48 appsdev2 vmunix:   Enable did not change
Mar 15 16:06:48 appsdev2 vmunix:   Connect did not change
Mar 15 16:06:48 appsdev2 vmunix:   Reset did not change




Can you post the output of:


# ioscan -fnk





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Regular Advisor

Re: mount: /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/disk@hp-1008+294=A60020000001: Not owner

This is Rx300 server which have three usb ports one is fron panel and two are back panel
and all three ports are not connected to any usb device.

the output of ioscan below:-------
ioscan -fnk
appsdev2.mpmkvvcl.com#ioscan -fnk
Class        I  H/W Path       Driver       S/W State   H/W Type     Description
root         0                 root           CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS
ioa          0  0              sba            CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    System Bus Adapter (4030)
ba           0  0/0            lba            CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (122e)
tty          0  0/0/1/0        rmp3f01        CLAIMED     INTERFACE    PCI class(255,0) (103c1303)
tty          1  0/0/1/1        rmp3f01        CLAIMED     INTERFACE    PCI SimpleComm (103c1302)
tty          2  0/0/1/2        asio0          CLAIMED     INTERFACE    PCI Serial (103c1048)
                              /dev/diag/mux2  /dev/mux2       /dev/tty2p0
usb          0  0/0/2/0        hcd            CLAIMED     INTERFACE    NEC OHCI Controller
usbcomp      0  0/0/2/0.1      usbcomposite   CLAIMED     DEVICE       USB Composite Device
usbhid       0  0/0/2/0.1.0    hid            CLAIMED     DEVICE       USB HID Kbd(0)
usbhid       1  0/0/2/0.1.1    hid            CLAIMED     DEVICE       USB HID Pointer(1)
usb          1  0/0/2/1        hcd            CLAIMED     INTERFACE    NEC OHCI Controller
usb          2  0/0/2/2        ehci           CLAIMED     INTERFACE    NEC EHCI Controller
graphics     0  0/0/4/0        gvid_core      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    PCI Display (10025159)
ba           1  0/1            lba            CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (122e)
slot         0  0/1/1          pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
slot         1  0/1/2          pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
ba           2  0/2            lba            CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (122e)
slot         2  0/2/1          pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
ba           3  0/3            gh2p           CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local Bus Adapter
ba           4  0/3/0/0        PCItoPCI       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridge
slot         3  0/3/0/0/0      pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
ba           5  0/4            lba            CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (122e)
slot         4  0/4/1          pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
escsi_ctlr   0  0/4/1/0        sasd           CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP  PCI/PCI-X SAS MPT Adapter
ext_bus      0  0/4/1/0.0.0    sasd_vbus      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    SAS Device Interface
target       2  0/4/1/  tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk         8  0/4/1/    sdisk          CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG0300BALVP
                              /dev/dsk/c0t1d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0
target       0  0/4/1/  tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk         1  0/4/1/    sdisk          CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG0300BALVP
                              /dev/dsk/c0t2d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t2d0
target       1  0/4/1/  tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk         0  0/4/1/    sdisk          CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG0300BALVP
                              /dev/dsk/c0t3d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0
target       3  0/4/1/  tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk         5  0/4/1/    sdisk          CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG146BB976
                              /dev/dsk/c0t5d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t5d0
target       5  0/4/1/  tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk         6  0/4/1/    sdisk          CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG146BB976
                              /dev/dsk/c0t6d0     /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2   /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0    /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s2
                              /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s1   /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s3   /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s1  /dev/rdsk/c0t6d0s3
target       4  0/4/1/  tgt            CLAIMED     DEVICE
disk        16  0/4/1/    sdisk          CLAIMED     DEVICE       HP      DG146BABCF
                              /dev/dsk/c0t7d0   /dev/rdsk/c0t7d0
slot         5  0/4/2          pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
lan          0  0/4/2/0        iether         CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AB352-60003 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T Dual-port Core
lan          1  0/4/2/1        iether         CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AB352-60003 PCI/PCI-X 1000Base-T Dual-port Core
ba           6  0/5            lba            CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local PCI-X Bus Adapter (122e)
slot         6  0/5/1          pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
ba           7  0/6            gh2p           CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local Bus Adapter
ba           8  0/6/0/0        PCItoPCI       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridge
ba           9  0/6/0/0/0/0    PCItoPCI       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridge
ba          10  0/6/0/0/0/0/2/0    PCItoPCI       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridge
slot         7  0/6/0/0/0/0/2/0/0  pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
ba          11  0/6/0/0/0/0/4/0    PCItoPCI       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridge
slot         8  0/6/0/0/0/0/4/0/0  pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
ba          12  0/7            gh2p           CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Local Bus Adapter
ba          13  0/7/0/0        PCItoPCI       CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    PCItoPCI Bridge
slot         9  0/7/0/0/0      pci_slot       CLAIMED     SLOT         PCI Slot
fc           0  0/7/0/0/0/0    fclp           CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP AD299-60001 4Gb PCIe 1-port Fibre Channel Adapter
processor    0  120            processor      CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
processor    1  121            processor      CLAIMED     PROCESSOR    Processor
ba          14  250            pdh            CLAIMED     BUS_NEXUS    Core I/O Adapter
ipmi         0  250/0          ipmi           CLAIMED     INTERFACE    IPMI Controller
tty          3  250/1          asio0          CLAIMED     INTERFACE    Built-in RS232C
                              /dev/diag/mux3  /dev/mux3       /dev/tty3p0
acpi_node    0  250/2          acpi_node      CLAIMED     INTERFACE    Acpi Hardware
usbmsvbus    1  255/1          mass_storage   CLAIMED     VIRTBUS      USB Mass Storage
ext_bus      1  255/1/0        usb_ms_scsi    CLAIMED     INTERFACE    USB Mass Storage SCSI
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: mount: /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/disk@hp-1008+294=A60020000001: Not owner

>> Rx300


There is no such server.


rx2660, rx3600, rx6600?


However, check if the drive still opens (has power), check cable. Maybe the drive is broken?

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

No support by private messages. Please ask the forum!

If you feel this was helpful please click the KUDOS! thumb below!   
Regular Advisor

Re: mount: /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/disk@hp-1008+294=A60020000001: Not owner



Sorry for mismatch Spelling Type.


Yes this is rx3600 server.by the way 

all the cables are connected on DVD ROM.


I insert a DVD and Eject a DVD properly and DVD ROM power also good condition.


Only server not dected a DVDROM and Driver.Please see the trai mail.


Kindly suggest me what is a actual problem and how can i solve the problem.





Regular Advisor

Re: mount: /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/disk@hp-1008+294=A60020000001: Not owner



I am waiting of your precious reply.





Regular Advisor

Re: mount: /dev/deviceFileSystem/Usb/MassStorage/dsk/disk@hp-1008+294=A60020000001: Not owner



on my server syslog has also some error message


Mar 19 16:00:11 appsdev2 vmunix: ERROR usb_probe: Device enumeration failed.



 Anyone have any idea of what this error message means ?


if you have any idia Please suggest me.



