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Moving a NIS master server

Simeon Harwood
Regular Advisor

Moving a NIS master server

Hey all,

It's been a long time since I posted in here!


I need to pick some brains if I may! I'm trying to move my NIS master server from one HPUX 11i v1 machine to another HPUX 11i v1 machine. This is something that I've not done in a very long time.

Both servers are the same OS and patch level, and my "ypmake" and "Makefile" are a bit customized with new maps etc. I've run "ypinit -m" on the new master,and started the NIS server and client processes, and proved that I can  make new maps. I've then copied over my customized "ypmake" and "Makefile" and my map files from the existing server to the new one, ran a ypmake, and everything looks good.

I've setup a client to look at the new master and everything looks good there too. I can see the master, and ready and use the pusblished maps.

Now here is the problem, when I try and use "yppasswd" to change the password of a NIS user, I get the following error: -


# yppasswd xxx
Changing password for xxx on NIS server
New password:
Re-enter new password:
Couldn't change passwd/attributes for xxx


I can't find anything useful in the logs to help me out.

I think I'm missing something basic, but for the life of me, I can't find it.


Any help is very much appreciated.





You never had this problem with a pencil and paper!