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remsh not working


remsh not working

Hi all,


I can`t remsh to a sytem (DEST)  from a server (SOURCE) ; I get a timeout. From other SOURCE server, I can do it.


- Both SOURCE servers exist in DEST's .rhosts

- Both SOURCE servers exist in DEST's inetd.sec


The DEST system have two IPs one belonging to its hostname and other one (2nd_IP), and I can see whenever I try:


SOURCE:/remsh DEST_hostname "uname -a"


..this in netstat -an:


Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        (state)


tcp        0      0          Hostname_IP.514          SOURCE_IP.1018       ESTABLISHED

tcp        0      1             <2nd_IP>.1023           SOURCE_IP.1017       SYN_SENT



So it seems I connect to it through its hostname BUT it returns through the 2nd lan; this is forbidden by the firewall. We have more systems with this configuration and they work well. Also, from other source servers, I can remsh to it without problems.


Any idea on what's going on and how to make remsh works?


Best Regards,

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: remsh not working

Are both IP addresses on the same server within the same subnet?


This is usually causing problems (unless you do some specific configurations).

Hope this helps!

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Re: remsh not working

Yes, both IPs are on the same subnet. But "remsh" works from some servers, and we have servers with two IPs-same subnet and no problems seen. No idea on how to address this issue.


Best Regards,

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: remsh not working

There are a lot of related threads, example:


Hope this helps!

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those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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