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Re: Occasional I/O errors when copying to NFS shares

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Dave Olker

Re: Occasional I/O errors when copying to NFS shares

One point of clarification. The default value of 7 for timeo was determined back in the UDP days, not TCP. The default value for timeo on TCP is 60, not 7. By using 14 you're INCREASING the chances of a timeout.

I work for HPE

[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Paul Maglinger
Regular Advisor

Re: Occasional I/O errors when copying to NFS shares

Dave - I just referred back to your NFS performance tuning for hp-ux 11.0 and 11i systems. I will remove the timeo entries and see what happens. What about the retrans value?
Dave Olker

Re: Occasional I/O errors when copying to NFS shares

> What about the retrans value?

I'd remove it as well, though it shouldn't matter. If you look at the retrans information on the mount_nfs man page you'll see: "For connection-oriented transports, this option has no effect because it is assumed that the transport performs retransmissions on behalf of NFS."

In any case, I'd yank both timeo and retrans.


I work for HPE

[Any personal opinions expressed are mine, and not official statements on behalf of Hewlett Packard Enterprise]
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Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: Occasional I/O errors when copying to NFS shares


Windows does have an event logging system, and it should be checked at the same time you are getting those errors.

As Bill says they are write errors and what your response is, might be very connected to whats going on with the Windows box.

Please post the text of related events.

Dave is the master of NFS, and besides checking the event logs, do everything he says.

Steven E Protter
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Paul Maglinger
Regular Advisor

Re: Occasional I/O errors when copying to NFS shares

Yep. At first I didn't make the connection and then I realized that his name was on my copy of "nfs performance tuning for hp-ux 11.0 and 11i systems". There were a couple of things that initially led me to believe that it was running UPD, which set me off down a dead-end road. I've made the changes as recommended and am going to see how things run this evening. Thanks again everyone.
Paul Maglinger
Regular Advisor

Re: Occasional I/O errors when copying to NFS shares

It appears that the problem has been solved. I installed the Server for NFS Authentication component on all of the domain controllers and we have had no errors for 3 days. Looking back through the records, we did find where a DC was taken down permanently around the time the errors became more frequent. Now we are not getting the errors at all. Thanks to all.