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Re: OS installation issue

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David Willams
Super Advisor

OS installation issue

I have the following message:-

* Software installation of this source (B3920 11.23 Foundation OE: DVD1)
is complete.


To complete the installation you must now insert the
"B3920 11.23 Foundation OE: DVD2" CD.

Once this is done, press the key to continue:

Now I insert dvd2 and hit the return key.it still go further.It is like waiting & waiting.
James R. Ferguson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: OS installation issue

Hi David:

Patience, grasshopper.

Most of the filesets are on the first DVD but there are some on the second and there is configuration to be done.


Honored Contributor

Re: OS installation issue

Is there any activity on the DVD #2? How is your console connected to the server? If it is via a terminal server/session your connection may have timed out. Your console session should still be there, try reconnecting to the console and hit (ControlL) to refresh the console screen and you may be able to reconnect to the install session.
Raj D.
Honored Contributor

Re: OS installation issue


>Once this is done, press the key to continue:

What happend after you hit the enter key afte inserting the 2nd DVD.
Do you see the LED blinking, on the DVD drive?

- If the DVD is not correct 2nd DVD , it will throw an error.

" If u think u can , If u think u cannot , - You are always Right . "
David Willams
Super Advisor

Re: OS installation issue

After some 11 hrs I have an error like

NOTE: run_cmd: Process: 13674 (/sbin/mount): killed by signal: 2.

My guess is the dvd is the culprit

David Willams
Super Advisor

Re: OS installation issue

I am using an iso image now

and finished with disk1 when i give the second disk


Unable to verify CD-ROM media content for source "B3920 11.23 Foundation OE: DVD2".
Please make certain the correct media is in the drive.

There are four possible recovery actions:

1: Retry software load after replacing CD-ROM media.
2: Continue using CD-ROM media. Some or all additional software
will not be installed and errors are likely.
3: Run a shell.
4: Terminate installation. The system will require reinstallation.

Choose a recovery action from one of the above: 1


To complete the installation you must now insert the
"B3920 11.23 Foundation OE: DVD2" CD.

Once this is done, press the key to continue:


Unable to verify CD-ROM media content for source "B3920 11.23 Foundation OE: DVD2".
Please make certain the correct media is in the drive.

There are four possible recovery actions:

1: Retry software load after replacing CD-ROM media.
2: Continue using CD-ROM media. Some or all additional software
will not be installed and errors are likely.
3: Run a shell.
4: Terminate installation. The system will require reinstallation.

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: OS installation issue

>> Please make certain the correct media is in the drive.

Did you? Inspect the media and clean if needed. Insert it into your PC or another server. Can you read it?

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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Acclaimed Contributor

Re: OS installation issue

Oooops, your other thread has been removed...

Again, it doesn't make any sense to use ** 2 ** different virtual drives - just use only **_1_** and swap the media:

vMP> ej

Ejectable Guest Devices
Num Hw-path (Bus,Slot,Tgt) Gdev Pstore Path
[1] 0/0/1/0.3.0 (0,1,3) dvd file /var/tmp/ISO/installdvd1

Enter menu item number or [Q] to Quit: 1

Confirm eject action
G - Go
F - Force

Enter menu item or [Q] to Quit: g

[zsmx7241] vMP> in

Insertable Guest Devices
Num Hw-path (Bus,Slot,Tgt) Gdev
[1] 0/0/1/0.3.0 (0,1,3) dvd

Hope this helps!

There are only 10 types of people in the world -
those who understand binary, and those who don't.

No support by private messages. Please ask the forum!

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David Willams
Super Advisor

Re: OS installation issue

# cd /var/opt/hpvm/ISO-images/hpux
# ll
total 10558432
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root hpvmsys 3386703872 Sep 23 11:02 hpux11iv2-disc1.iso
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root hpvmsys 2019196928 Sep 23 11:05 hpux11iv2-disc2.iso
melvyn burnard
Honored Contributor

Re: OS installation issue

well if you are using ISO images, you will need one for each DVD.
Then you will need to modify the DVD for the HPVM (it looks like this is what you are actually trying to install to) to reflect this change.
You could simply use hpvmmodify to point the virtual dvd to the second image, then push the return key in your installation window
My house is the bank's, my money the wife's, But my opinions belong to me, not HP!