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Re: Problem cloning a server with Ignite make-recovery DAT

Clive E Nicholas
Occasional Advisor

Problem cloning a server with Ignite make-recovery DAT

I am attempting to restore a backup DAT tape originally made using make_recovery on a partnering server into an identical partner server (cloning .. but then changing various idntity parameters). Uses HP=UX 11.00 and Openview DM TMN 5.03
The backup was made on a partnering server which is using serviceguard to implement a dual server high availability configuration.
The hardware on each server is identical.
I need to install the backup made on server 0 into server 1, changing various parameters to correct the restore for server 1. I have been able to interupt the restoration process and changed the hostname, root password, IP addresses etc.
I have also altered the nodelock file so that HP Openview DM TMN sees the correct license for this server.
All seems OK on reboot except that the HP Openview Licence daemon will not start.
I thought I had found the problem when I found 3 files in the /etc/opt/OV/share/conf directory
ovwdb.auth, ovspmd.auth, ovw.auth which still referenced the other server 0. I edited these files to reference the hostname of the new server 1... but after reboot the DM licensing daemon still doesn't run. Does anyone know what I have missed in order to get this restore to run on this new host with its new hostname ?

Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: Problem cloning a server with Ignite make-recovery DAT


You may need to open a call with the response center to fix this.

However what is probably missing is the .codeword file from /var/adm/.sw

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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Clive E Nicholas
Occasional Advisor

Re: Problem cloning a server with Ignite make-recovery DAT

Thanks Steven. I will check this out.
However, I do know that the HP Openview DM TMN license information is held in a file called nodelock. I do have a license for the machine I am restoring to, so I edit the file to remove the old license and replace with the correct license for this server.
But I don't think that the problem is with the license itself ... but that the Openview DM license daemon itself wont run... and I don't understand why this is.
I also know that HP no longer give support HP Openview DM TMN, so I don't belive I can open a support call with HP regarding this problem.
Clive E Nicholas
Occasional Advisor

Re: Problem cloning a server with Ignite make-recovery DAT

Furthermore ... If I let the Ignite backup DAT restore fully into the new server with no interruption and make no changes to hostname, ip addresses etc then the recovery works fine ... HP Openview DM daemon starts successfully on boot-up.
It is only when I interrupt the auto-restore process and change the IP addresses, hostname and password that the daemon refuses to run !
Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: Problem cloning a server with Ignite make-recovery DAT

> It is only when I interrupt the auto-restore process and change the IP addresses, hostname and password that the daemon refuses to run !

Many OpenView products are carefully designed to install with host and IP infomation and if HP won't be able to help, you'll have to remove and reinstall the product to get all the parameters correct. You might try searching all the possible locations for a config file, even executables that might have the old name and/or IP stored. Look in /etc /opt /var /usr. You'll need to craft a recursive grep so the search extends to all subdirectories. ServiceGuard may also be part of the problem since it sounds like the new host is not part of an SG cluster. Be sure to disable SG startup and verify what nsquery as well as nslookup say about your hostname and IP addr:

nsquery host myName
nslookup myName

Bill Hassell, sysadmin