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Re: process binding

Victor Lee

process binding


I am working on an L2000 with 4 cpu's
running HP-UX 11.0. I would
like to run 4 processes on this machine
and have each of the 4 processes bound to a
particular cpu. In other words:

process 1 runs on cpu 1
process 2 runs on cpu 2
process 3 runs on cpu 3
process 4 runs on cpu 4

How is this done?

Vicor Lee
Honored Contributor

Re: process binding


PRM (Process Resource Manager) is the answer. But you need to buy this product

Good Luck..
Rodney Hills
Honored Contributor

Re: process binding

Although no command exists, if you want to do a little "c" programming, the mpctl function allows you to assign cpu's to processes.

do a "man mpctl"

-- Rod Hills
There be dragons...
Sridhar Bhaskarla
Honored Contributor

Re: process binding

There is no straight command to bind a process to a processor. But there is a system call called mpctl to do this job. Check the man page for mpctl.

You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try
Honored Contributor

Re: process binding

harry d brown jr
Honored Contributor

Re: process binding

Try mpsched and rtprio and rtsched.

live free or die
Live Free or Die
Deepak Extross
Honored Contributor

Re: process binding

Before you consider this, let me point out that doing this will make your application tightly bound to (dependent on?) the hardware configuration.
The loss of portability is arguably the reason why we dont see too many people doing this.
Bill Hassell
Honored Contributor

Re: process binding

It's also important to note that virtually no value will be seen in binding a process to a processor. Nothing moves when a process is resumed on another processor--all RAM is accessible by all processors and for every context switch or kernel system call, the staeps required to get the process started again is identical regardles of which processor is selected.

If the binding is required to improve performance, be prepared to obseerve no measureable change.

Bill Hassell, sysadmin