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Re: question about LVM

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Occasional Advisor

question about LVM

Logical volume name can replace a disk device in all normal operating system commands, True or Flase?
Tim Adamson_1
Honored Contributor

Re: question about LVM

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.
Tim Adamson_1
Honored Contributor

Re: question about LVM

Can you describe what you are trying to do?

I'm sure you will be provided the commands to help you achieve the task at hand.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.
Occasional Advisor

Re: question about LVM

Thanks for reply.
This is a lab from the MirrorDisk(H6285S) to check the understanding of LVM. I have no idea of the question.
Occasional Advisor

Re: question about LVM

BTW, the answer is True. Could anybody give an explanation for it?
Artyom Voronchihin
Respected Contributor

Re: question about LVM

Right answer is TRUE ! See solutions at the end of the Student Workbook.
"Intel inside" is not a label, it's a warning.
Sridhar Bhaskarla
Honored Contributor

Re: question about LVM


In a way, I don't like the way the questions are formulated in those exams. Most of them look so ambiguous that the answer may not reveal the user's skillset.

I believe they were asking if a LV can be used as a substitution for disk under normal operations which is true. Unless I hear a different explanation of this question.


PS: This forum is intended to help people that are in real need. Not to get answers for certification exams.
You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try
Tim Adamson_1
Honored Contributor

Re: question about LVM

What is the context of the question?

If you want to dd a disk, and the lvol only spans part of the disk, if you dd the disk device you will dd the whole disk. You can dd the lvol but will only dd part of the disk.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.
Massimo Bianchi
Honored Contributor

Re: question about LVM

i didn't attented that course, but the answer in HPUX is true.

LVM is the replacement for the managing of the disks and disk space, and it takes care of everything.

After the disks are initialized (pvcreate) and some boot stuff is placed (mkboot) all control is passed to lvm.

FS creation, snpashots, mirroring, all occurs at lvm level.

You create a FS on a logical volume, insted on a phisical disk.

I suggest you to have a look at "man lvm", almost all is there. I started there :)

Occasional Advisor

Re: question about LVM

Could you tell me the reason?