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Re: Recall command

Zeni B. Schleter
Regular Advisor

Recall command

OpenVMS v7.3-2
I was trying to use Recall/Output=file from a command procedure and found out that it will not work that way.

Has anyone else had a similar need and developed an alternative method?

I am testing the LOGGER executable from the FREEWARE site currently.

Kent Ostby
Honored Contributor

Re: Recall command

Here's the reference page for it:


It does not seem to say that you can't do it from a command procedure. It does say it won't work with /ALL or /PAGE:

The /OUTPUT qualifier is incompatible with the /ALL and /PAGE

"Well, actually, she is a rocket scientist" -- Steve Martin in "Roxanne"
Zeni B. Schleter
Regular Advisor

Re: Recall command

I tested the recall with
Create tmp.tmp
$ typ tmp.tmp
$ Recall/output=test.tmp
$ exit
No Test.Tmp file is created. I looked at the manual and it refers to Recall buffering the terminal input. My guess is that the buffer is not available to the command procedure. I threw the "typ tmp.tmp" just to see if it would capture the
command executed within the procedure (not that that would help me) and that was not
captured either. No error given when I executed this. Just no file created.
Zeni B. Schleter
Regular Advisor

Re: Recall command

I have placed this under the wrong heading. It should be under OPENVMS instead of HP-UX. How do I move the thread?
Zeni B. Schleter
Regular Advisor

Re: Recall command

I have restarted the thread under Openvms Topic.