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Re: rpc.rstatd daemon keeps dying on me...

Rita C Workman
Honored Contributor

rpc.rstatd daemon keeps dying on me...

Anyone got any thoughts. The daemon gets started (/usr/lib/netsvc/rstat/rpc.rstatd) just fine. But after a couple minutes...it dies.
Can't seem to nail down why or what is doing this.
Can restart manually, but it's gone again in a few.
Checked patches and found PHNE_38934 as a possible fix - but go figure, it's already on the box. So it doesn't look like a patch problem.

Any thoughts from the group?

Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: rpc.rstatd daemon keeps dying on me...

Shalom Rita,

Lets check the patch status with swverify, there may be something wrong with it.

I'd look to what has changed lately on the box, bi-annual patch sets, crash, something that might cause the issue.

Any clues to the death in /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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Rita C Workman
Honored Contributor

Re: rpc.rstatd daemon keeps dying on me...

After checking a little more it seems rpc.rstatd noticed that this is a daemon that has to do with collecting stats on kernel.
So I am simply going to apply the suggestions again and possibly see if a reboot might clear up whatever is causing this problem.
Suggestions given:

Double check (again) inetd.conf file entry
Run inetd -c
Possibly stop/start NFS on client and/or server or both
Reboot server
