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Re: SAM Quest

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Trusted Contributor

Re: SAM Quest

1. What is your preferred method(s) for Backup & Recovery?
a. fbackup/frecover

2. Do you perform the following tasks? If yes, HOW do you do them - with SAM or the system commands?
a. LVM --yes
b. Filesystem Management -command line
c. Swap -command line
d. Disk Array Configuration -command line
e. Disk Backups - command line

3. What are the top 3 - 5 tasks that you perform most often in SAM's User & Groups (UG) area? Which UG related tasks do you use system commands for instead? Any reasons? (Please differentiate between Local, NIS, NIS+ Users).
Mostly local users.
adding/modifying users and groups.

4. Have you ever used the HP program Top Tools? If yes, what do you use it for? do you like it? (www.hp.com/toptools)
Not used.

Learning is the Key!

Re: SAM Quest

1. prefer (a) but organization uses (d)
2. a. both SAM and Commands
b. command
c. command
3. Local
I use SAM for user/group creation;mod;& password reset
4. Never used it.
Matjaz Obstetar

Re: SAM Quest

1. e) ignite, tar

2. a) SAM and command line
b) SAM and command line
c) SAM
e) command line

3. Add users and groups, modify users

4. No
To sem jaz
Edward Sedgemore
Trusted Contributor

Re: SAM Quest

1. d,a

2. yes, I perform all the following tasks. On small servers I use the CLI only, for very large servers with tons of VG's/LV's then using SAM for a,b,d is easier so I do it that way.

3. Top 3 commands in SAM UG;
- Reactivate/deactivate account
- reset password (on secure systems)
- modify security policies (on secure systems)
I use the CLI instead now for creating new users (useradd) and deleting users (userdel) as its quickier and easier to do on the CLI and look up options with their manpages.

4. No, never used top tools. Never heard of it..will investigate.
Joseph C. Denman
Honored Contributor

Re: SAM Quest

1. What is your preferred method(s) for Backup & Recovery?
HP's OmniBack II & Ignite

2. Do you perform the following tasks? If yes, HOW do you do them - with SAM or the system commands?
a. LVM commands -- both
b. Filesystem Management commands -- both
c. Swap commands -- sam
d. Disk Array Configuration -- both
e. Disk Backups -- command & Omni gui

3. What are the top 3 - 5 tasks that you perform most often in SAM's User & Groups (UG) area? Which UG related tasks do you use system commands for instead? Any reasons? (Please differentiate between Local, NIS, NIS+ Users).

Do not use SAM for UG administration. (local or NIS)

4. Have you ever used the HP program Top Tools? If yes, what do you use it for? do you like it? (www.hp.com/toptools)

Dont use...
If I had only read the instructions first??
New Member

Re: SAM Quest

1. e) Legato

2. a. LVM - Command line
b. Filesystem Management - Both
c. Swap - both
d. Disk Array Configuration - sam
e. Disk Backups -both

3. User/group creation,
Password aging
4. Not yet
Stay cool & explore
Jerry Jordak

Re: SAM Quest

1. Other: ADSM for general backup, mk_recovery for OS backup.

2. Yes; usually do LVM and filesystem management on the command line, and Swap config through SAM. Don't have any disk arrays to configure.

3. Creating users are about all I use SAM for, and infrequently as I don't create users often. Resetting passwords is easier to do from the command line.

4. No.
John Ferrara
Frequent Advisor

Re: SAM Quest

1. d.
2. a.b.c.d. (not e. see 1.)
3. User id:creation, deletion, pw reset, reactivation.
4. No, I don't know what it can do, Yes.

* Like most everyone else, I'd like SAM to be faster and do everything that I can do from the cmd line :-)
It was working fine when I left....what did you do?
John McDen
Regular Advisor

Re: SAM Quest

1. D
2. LVM - SAM+ Commands
FS Mgt - SAM + Commands
DISK ARRAY - Commands
DISK BACKUP - SAM + Omni Backup
3. Add/Remove Users
4. NO

John McDen
New to HP
Sandip Ghosh
Honored Contributor

Re: SAM Quest

I am using as follows:

1. a
2.a - Commands
2.b - commands
2.c - commands
2.d - NA
2.e - Scripts

3.Mostly doing through scripts or by editing the passwd and group file.

4 Never used.

Good Luck!!!