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Script to dump at syslog server

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Script to dump at syslog server

Hi ,


Say we have a windows server where we would like to dump syslog line by line as it gets logged in our hpux server ,is there any script for the same ???




Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Script to dump at syslog server

Dump it where?

I suppose you could use "tail -f" on the file.

Regular Advisor

Re: Script to dump at syslog server

Hi ,


We have a windows server of 200gb space on g: drive

we would like to dump syslog.log from one hpux server to this windows server g:drive , but it must be spontaneus.

As soon as entry in syslog.log comes it must ftp the same on this windows server.

Dennis Handly
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Script to dump at syslog server

>As soon as entry in syslog.log comes it must ftp the same on this windows server.


It appears you are trying to reinvent a syslog server?

Try google to look for: syslog server windows

Regular Advisor

Re: Script to dump at syslog server

Hi ,

I just want to dump entries coming in my hpux box to say to windows server mayb everyday at end of day.

Acclaimed Contributor

Re: Script to dump at syslog server

I don't see a real purpose here, but consider this: map a windows share to the server, logrotate the file and move/copy it to the share per cron in the evening.

Hope this helps!

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Regular Advisor

Re: Script to dump at syslog server

Hi ,


Its an audit requirement.


Honored Contributor

Re: Script to dump at syslog server

If the audit requirement is that the log messages are sent to the windows server as soon as they are generated, then copying the log files at the end of a day won't satisfy the spirit of the requirement.


The HP-UX syslog daemon can already send the log messages to other host(s): you just need to configure it, to tell it what messages it should send and where to. You don't need a separate script for that.


On the Windows side, you need to set up a syslog server (a very small and simple program) to catch the incoming syslog messages.

Here's one free alternative (the first hit from Google on "windows syslog server"):



Once the Windows syslog server is running, you can edit HP-UX /etc/syslog.conf to choose the log messages to send.

For example, to send all the log messages to the host at IP address, you would add this line to /etc/syslog.conf:

*.*             @

 Note: there should be TAB characters between the message selector "*.*" and the destination specification "@", not spaces. If you use spaces, the syslog daemon will ignore the line and the messages won't be sent.


Once you've modified /etc/syslog.conf, send a HUP signal to the syslog daemon to make the change effective:

kill -HUP `cat /var/run/syslog.pid`


You can use the HP-UX command "logger" to send your own syslog messages. That might be useful when testing the syslog message forwarding, for example.


Please see "man syslogd" and "man logger" for details.

Regular Advisor

Re: Script to dump at syslog server

Hi Matti ,


How do we add host entry in syslog configuration of windows.

i downloaded setup and souble clicked it, i cans ee service is running in windows.

have also made entries in my hp box , restarted syslog daemon , how do i incorporate hpux ost with  this server.

Honored Contributor

Re: Script to dump at syslog server

You don't have to "add a host entry in Windows": as soon as the syslog server receives a message from a given host, a host entry should appear automatically.


The syslog messages are transmitted using UDP port 514: if the Windows system is protected by a firewall, you should make sure incoming traffic to port 514/UDP is accepted.


In the Settings menu of the Syslog server, there is a "Logging threshold" setting: it can be used to ignore low-priority syslog messages. When testing the Windows syslog server, make sure it is set to "debug" so that no messages are ignored.


In the HP-UX /etc/syslog.conf file, make sure you used TAB characters instead of spaces when writing the new entry. A common mistake is to use spaces (or to use an editor which silently changes the TABs to spaces for you).