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Re: tape copy then synchronize content via network

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tape copy then synchronize content via network


we'll need to transfer some GB of data (200)between two remote sites. The wishes would be to transfer the first snap of data using tapes, then after the data will be restored at remote site re-synchronize all the content via WAN by using some script/tool and copy in that way only modified/added data.

What are the suggested tool to be used for both transactions ?

The copy on tape should keep track of date stamp in order to make it possible the re-synchronization afterward.

Thank you.
Best regards
A. Clay Stephenson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: tape copy then synchronize content via network

The tool supplied with HP-UX is rdist; however, for you rsync will be a better choice because rsync is smart enough to send only the changed portions of a file rather than an entire file.

If it ain't broke, I can fix that.
Trusted Contributor

Re: tape copy then synchronize content via network

I'd recommend using rsync. download:

It does everything you need and is easy to script.

I drive way too fast to worry about calories.
Trusted Contributor

Re: tape copy then synchronize content via network

Attached is a sample rsync script that i wrote for a scenario similar to yours.
I drive way too fast to worry about calories.
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: tape copy then synchronize content via network


If the depot rsync will not work, try compiling it. That always works for me.

rsync -avH --stats --delete -e ssh /var/httpd/ $othernode:/var/httpd/

othernode is the target node.

I use -e ssh to encrypt the datastream and authentication. This will however slow down the transfer.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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Re: tape copy then synchronize content via network

Thank you all,

but what about the initial copy on tape ?
A. Clay Stephenson
Acclaimed Contributor

Re: tape copy then synchronize content via network

What about it? Use the tape backup/restore tool of your choice. If this is an HP-UX to HP-UX transfer then the best tool that is free is fbackup/frecover because large files (those > 2GiB) will be handled with ease. If this is an HP-UX to another flavor copy then I would use Gnu tar as that will handle files up to 8GiB and is portable across many OS flavors. If you do have to transfer files > 8GiB between foreign OS versions then you will need to use split to break the files into smaller chunks and cat them back together on the other end. The main thing is that whatever backup/restore tool you use, choose the options that preserve the timestamp and mode file meta-data.
If it ain't broke, I can fix that.