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The future of IT field

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Mr. Henry Chan
Occasional Contributor

The future of IT field

I am an IT freshman. Would like to ask those expertise all over the world about the opinion on this field. Hoping to have your sharing so as to lighting my way of achievement. Thanks in advance.
harry d brown jr
Honored Contributor

Re: The future of IT field

As long as we are able to keep socialists from ruining business, then IT will be around for quite a while. Yet, if we allow the socialists to continue their "globalization", like "the world court", or the "world health org", then we might as well revert back to caveman days! That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

live free or die
Live Free or Die
Michael Tully
Honored Contributor

Re: The future of IT field

I believe IT will be around for many a long year. There is so much happening, so much new technology, it sometimes is difficult to keep up with it all.
Of course we can't point in which direction is best for you but I don't see too many other industries quite like ours.

Anyone for a Mutiny ?
S.K. Chan
Honored Contributor

Re: The future of IT field

IT itself is such a broad field. If you just want to consider "IT" itself in general then I would think you're in the right career path as long as you keep abreast with the current technology and trend. It is also important to not confine yourself to a subset of IT skill but rather a few different skills. For example a programmer with sysadmin skill, a network engineer who knows Java programming, etc. Life itself is a never ending learning experience so does your career in IT.
Valued Contributor

Re: The future of IT field

IT never die, keep learning and share the knowledge.. you also never leave IT
share the power of the knowledge
Steven Sim Kok Leong
Honored Contributor

Re: The future of IT field


As Human Computer Interfacing (HCI) improves tremendously over the years, if I am to let my imaginations fly, I would see the developments progressing in the following areas:

1) Personal Computing

Your PCs may be packaged as babes with celluloid skin. In short, computers will evolve into interactive humanoids.

2) Mobile Computing

These humanoids follow you around.

3) Programming

No need to learn about programming or scripting. Just ask the humanoid to do it for you.

Thus, I think in future, management, communications and creative-thinking skills will end up being the most important skillsets to have. With such skills, you can relate to the humanoid so that it can implement your "user requirements" to exactness.

Perhaps, one can simply form a graphical image in your mind and you can wscp ("wireless" scp) to the humanoid and he will thus be able to interpret exactly what you want.

Therefore in my opinion, no more need for programmers in future, only managers, communicators and creative-thinkers are needed.

My far-fetched 2 cents. Maybe too much sci-fi.

On a more serious note, I think IT is here to stay. In fact, it has infiltrated into so many parts of our life that almost every discipline now requires some knowledge of IT (e.g. msword, powerpoint). IT has been slowly evolving into an integral component of our lifes.

As a result, my personal opinion is that it is good investment to take up multiple (usually 2) disciplines (e.g. MBA & IT or Life Sciences & IT or Financial Engineering & IT). The market is in need of people who understand the business well enough to implement business rules through IT correctly and effectively.

Steven Sim Kok Leong
Mr. Henry Chan
Occasional Contributor

Re: The future of IT field

Thanks for all your valuable opinion. In fact, I do believe that IT will be integrated into our life closely. We cannot stop walking but keeping learning and create the new idea so as to make the world change.

However, when I look at myself who is seat inside the computer room, with a lot of server and console around me, and a pile and pile of user guide and command manual .... Its seems very far away for me to achieve or break thru the routine job. Anyway, I won't give up! Thanks for all your valuable words and opinion.

Fresh Henry

Honored Contributor

Re: The future of IT field

Mr Henry

This also makes a nice reading :


I would love to paste the whole of it but it will be better if u go to the site to read it .

Ofcourse IT will stay as along as human race is there

Manoj Srivastava
Trusted Contributor

Re: The future of IT field

Hi there, always keep yourself an expert on certain field!
Seun Ewulomi_1
Honored Contributor

Re: The future of IT field


The world is run with a flow of information. As long as information flow is very important(which it is in all businesses regardless). IT is and will be a necessity and will be here to stay

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