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Re: Host ID on HP proliant/ Redhat system

Occasional Advisor

Host ID on HP proliant/ Redhat system

Hi all,

We want to setup some licenses based on flexlm manager. Knowing the fact that the Flexlm uses the hostid of the system (in our case= mac address), is there a way to have a fixed hostid so that we ensure that our licenses will not stop due to hostid change?

Please consider the fact that we have 2 network cards in our server and we may have a hardware failure in one of themтАж

Thanks and regards,
Steven E. Protter
Exalted Contributor

Re: Host ID on HP proliant/ Redhat system


There are no moving parts on the NIC card. The likelihood of failure if it worked at box openning time is near zero.

We have one of those flexlm license servers here and we have to reconfigure when we move it from one server to another.

Its the paranoid nature of the license manager not the OS.

Steven E Protter
Owner of ISN Corporation
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Alexander Chuzhoy
Honored Contributor

Re: Host ID on HP proliant/ Redhat system

First of all there's a way to have a fixed hostid, which is the output of `hostid` command.

If you define a bonding out of your network adapters, then the system uses the same MAC address for them...
Honored Contributor

Re: Host ID on HP proliant/ Redhat system

The MAC address of the card can be changed with the "ifconfig" command.
The syntax is:

ifconfig eth0 hw ether 00:11:22:33:44:55

The change is not permanent: it needs to be included in system boot scripts. Of course it must happen before the flexlm manager is started.